Naughty party

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Why celebrate the defeat of those witchy ladies with one party when you can have another? Stella would party for any occasion, as well as shopping. With the excuse of the second semester still intact, the professors had put all the fairies through their paces, even though Faragonda had declared that she would probably cancel the exams. Musa cared little, but that second party... a second party in their dormitory meant inviting specialists, and who was among the specialists? Here we are...

"Stella, it's fine that there won't be exams, but why another party?!"

"Yes, aren't you glad! So you'll have a second chance to be with your handsome tenbrous specialist..."

Musa wanted to throttle her but tries to keep calm for the sake of the group. She locks herself in the bathroom to shower and get ready before the guys arrive. It was Saturday, and for that time only, the principal had allowed the specialists to be there until midnight. While all of her friends, including Tecna, were getting dressed, Musa, bored, put on the first thing that came along, a simple summer dress with straps and strictly red. No makeup, no accessories, except for a strand of mascara and a little pendant in the shape of a musical note.

"Muse is a party! You need something extra, like a..."

"Stella, knock it off! I'm fine like this!"

"But you'll never impress Riven like that!"

"I mean, who told you I want to impress Riven? Are you stupid? We had a fight, we straightened it out but I don't want to know anything about him romantically. We remained friends...and nothing more."

The music fairy leaves the room to go to the cafeteria to get drinks and to not listen to Stella. She feels her heart burn every time Riven is mentioned...she really wanted him, liked him, wanted to get to know him but everything that had happened had literally made him fall from her heart. Or had it? She didn't know either. Sky, Brandon, and Timmy tried to convince her that it wasn't his fault, that the Trix had compelled him by playing on his temper. But Musa didn't want to hear any stories or justifications: he was wrong and he had to pay.

She sighs deeply as she asks Master Sfoglia for some bottles of water, she was so distracted that she had forgotten to ask someone to help her, how could she carry six big bottles of water by herself? She loads them all on her arms, walking towards the stairs. As it turned out, though, they all fall off, causing her to stumble.

"Ouch!!! Stupid bottles!"

In an attempt to pick them up, two large hands edged with blue cuffs pick up more bottles.

"You sure are dumb, pixie..."

Musa looks up, finding herself at the obnoxious man's arrogant magenta hairpiece.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"I asked your friends where you were and came looking for you."


As she asks him what he was doing there, Musa notices two overbearing purple eyes staring just as hard at her cleavage. Snapping out of it, Musa grabs a couple of the bottles and rests them against her chest to cover herself awkwardly.

"I thought you weren't going to be there. Instead I was told you went to get water."

Musa nods walking silently with him to the stairs and then to the dorm. The party therefore begins! Musa, sadly, puts on some music, then going to sit aside on the couch. She sips a lemonade and munches on some chips, bored.

"You used to dance, and well too..."

"Do you still remember that?"

"You were the...the prettiest..." he mutters.

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