Far away

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Riven spends all week calling Musa but with little success. He didn't know whether to blame Jared or himself for being a moron. Nevertheless, he was a bit resentful of Musa who had not deigned in any way to answer him.

"Instead of harassing yourself, why don't you go to her in Alfea?" Brandon suggests to him.

"Because she doesn't deserve all this attention! I've been calling her since Wednesday night and today is Sunday! Five days without hearing from her!"

"But you can't take it like that, she's your girl..."

"MUSA IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" growls Brandon terrified.

"It's...it's okay, I thought..."

"The kiss was a rush! I have no love affair with her and I guess I'm not going to have any!"

Riven was really angry about what happened, so much so that he put the blame on Musa for no reason at all. Plus, what made him most furious was having to confess to his friends what happened and the kiss. Yes, the kiss. That kiss had turned him on but he regretted it soon after, seeing then how Musa had reacted.

The Winx, however, felt differently.

"You always wanted to be with him and you always wanted to kiss him, why did he scare you this time? I don't understand you..." retorts Bloom.

"Bloom how is it possible that you didn't get it? He...he knew Jared had a crush on me! He wanted to dump me hoping that I liked Jared!"

Musa had completely misunderstood everything. Once again: Riven didn't know anything. She was on the wrong side this time, and even though Riven acted on instinct by kissing her, he was definitely less to blame for her jumping to conclusions right away. She just wanted to end things right then and there and forget about Riven, about Jared, about the kisses. Of everything.

"I'm going for a walk...I'll see you later." she says wiping away tears.

Musa walks towards the bus stop leading to Magix, trying to distract herself. Arriving at the location, she heads into the diner where she had gone with Riven the week before. She sits down sighing and grabbing a drink to relax a bit.... Without realizing it, she had sat at the same table.

"What's wrong with me?" she asks herself.

She could pout at Riven all her life, until she became a gruff, obnoxious old woman. But she would always end up making up with him and hugging him. She sobs as she looks at the glass-she really was in love with Riven. If she wasn't, she would have given a shit. But she actually did care, and a lot.

MUSA IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND...those very words of hers were hurting him. He remains lying in his bed staring at the ceiling, alone, angry and disappointed. He turns around looking at the wall next to his bed...but how could he tell that she wasn't his girlfriend? He wanted her badly, he wanted Musa to be his girlfriend, he wanted to kiss her, hug her, make love to her, have fun, travel... everything with her. He picks up a picture of her, hidden under a poster of his favorite band, starts staring at her...damn she was beautiful and sweet!

"You're a fool. You could have let her rant and then talk...no, you let your dick do the thinking instead of your head." he says to himself.

The new study week begins and this time the Winx go to Red Fountain. Riven was in trepidation, hoping to see Musa. Unfortunately, opening the door he gets a nasty surprise. Bloom watches him suddenly petrify as he greets the girls.

"Riven, are you okay?"

"Where's Musa?" he asks dryly, his eyes wide.

Bloom sighs. Musa had warned the girls that she didn't feel like studying in Red Fountain with Riven, at least until she was over it. Riven looks crookedly at the red-haired fairy.

Never be the same again*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz