It's you again

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School started again and Musa was happy to embrace her friends. None of them, however, knew about her and Riven, about their meeting on Melody... it was not the case, especially since that meddlesome Stella would spread the word everywhere.

"Uh you're looking fancy today!" The sun fairy tells her in a teasing tone.

Stella looks puzzled at Musa's pink blouse and jeans, finding them unfashionable.

"I look great like this, I don't have to do a fashion show!"

"That's too bad, because today we have SPECIALISTS!" She points out, elbowing her.

"Yeah, too bad I'm still mad at the one you hope I'm going to point out!"

No. She wasn't. Musa couldn't wait to see Riven, maybe give him a hug. That meeting of theirs in Melody had left its mark on her, and she really wanted to give him a chance that he could be her friend or something - if that ever happened. Stella meanwhile shrugs and then looks over to Alfea, waiting for that pimp Bloom to come down to the courtyard for the speech. Musa laughs and chats with Flora and Tecna when, with her hypersensitive hearing, she doesn't hear the roar of the wind riders. That roar makes her heart beat so fast that she forgets what she had said to Stella a few minutes earlier!

"Don't you hear it too...?"

"The specialists!" Flora exclaims.

The girls head outside without seeing anyone. They thought they had made a blunder, when suddenly they don't see three motorcycles speeding by. Musa immediately recognizes the purple helmet of the one who was leading the way. Behind him, Sky and Brandon.

"You wanted a spectacular entrance? Here you go!" Riven exclaims laughing as he removes his helmet.

His gaze crosses Musa's. The fairy feels her heart stop, hoping that he would walk up to her and greet her. But Riven doesn't budge from where he is, even when Timmy arrives with the shuttle. Musa feels the disappointment descend on her again, how is that possible! That was the cynical Riven of a few months ago, abandoned no one knows where while the nice Riven was on vacation on Melody. She tries to smile, so that the others don't see her as sad, and greets the rest of the crew. Arriving at Riven, she swallows.

"H...hi Riven..."

Riven looks at her with an almost apologetic look and then simply greets her in a dry, stymied tone.


Musa shakes her head. Either Riven was suffering from dual personality or in that span of time he had found another girl. She sighs heavily but tries to shake off these thousand thoughts. In fact, she goes on stage with her friends for the speech that Faragonda had prepared for them. Riven wasn't even interested in the speech, turning away and applauding listlessly. Musa notices him... what the fuck was he doing there if he didn't even want to see her! The fairy deduces that he had come out of his lair stinking of sweaty socks just to compete with Sky.

After the ceremony, the boys stop to chat with them. Musa, silently sits next to him while Stella talked and talked... Brandon and Flora seemed interested in the blonde's chatter while Riven was quite bored. Musa was tempted to ask him what was wrong but... fuck! He didn't even listen to her and she had to worry about him? No thanks, Musa would rather mind her own business. But her heart was aching....


Musa wondered if it hurt even more to see him blissfully ignoring her days before or to see him riding with the newcomer. The music fairy hated that grimace that came from nowhere... Aisha hadn't done anything wrong, she liked her but at that very moment she wanted to throttle her. Or throttle Saladin who had the brilliant idea of having Riven accompany her to the shuttle. Timmy wasn't good enough? The young lady then, takes the handlebars out of the hands of Mr. "I'm going faster" giving definitely a hard blow to his masculinity. The voice of Faragonda awakens her and asks her and the others to come back. Flora notices that Musa was particularly nervous.

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