Chapter 19

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The clock that ticked in ignorance didn't mind the slower impatient taps of a hand against the hardwood of the table and oblivious to the racing sounds against the loud hushes from outside the room.

"Mr. Wong, everything is ready."

He thought he was doing his part well by hiding everything behind War, to not let him see the ugly side of his world where everything would cost. He hadn't wanted to hurt War over something that he could eradicate straight away. War might try to understand him again, but Yin knew as they waited for the engagement to be broken, War would hurt.

Thus, in his resolution and ambition, Yin had turned a blind eye towards everything to reach his purpose. And as he was busy trying to do his best for War, he had hurt the very thing he wanted to protect instead.

Every time Yin felt he had neglected War at home, he would convince himself that it was just a little bit more. Rather than make everything longer, he rather finished everything faster and then spent the rest of his days with War.

In his head, it was close to perfect.

War never complained nor asked, and Yin had thought they were faring okay. Yet it was his fault. He showed how busy he was, how endless his work was, he should've been the one who told War every time he wasn't. It was only fair.

Yet he was too lost in his intent and goal; he ended up losing everything he was doing it for.

And hearing everything War said- of how he felt, Yin didn't feel like they had resolved anything.

When War told him yet again to forget, Yin knew that War had thought it was closure for them. And maybe it was, for everything that happened in the past. But that didn't mean they would end everything. The love he still held in his heart for the smaller never faltered. And it shouldn't.

As War finished and was about to leave, Yin had been ready to bring up his confession the night before. He had been ready to say the same. However, when War said that he was not the one he would marry, that everything was still in disarray on his part, the older knew he had to end a few things first before he could start a new one.

He had planned to close the books of their past to start anew.

All before he could face War again.

And this time, he would give him all the reasons to stay.

"Let's go."

Rising from his seat swiftly, he looked perfect as he dressed in wealth that was arrogantly representing his title and worth.

Walking without hesitance, his eyes were hard and guarded. Yet in it, they were brimming with resolution. He stopped just before the double doors.

Adjusting his cuff on his wrist out of habit, he glanced at Jedi and Kwan waiting by his side. His Vice CEO and Secretary were standing with calm ease, actions, and words coded in their minds. A scripture of victory embedded.

With a playful grin from Jedi and a knowing smirk from Kwan, the double doors were finally opened by the men guarding on stand-by.

The awaited board meeting was about to commence

Meanwhile, War was taking a walk through the park.

"War, you aren't the only one who didn't stop. He's the same.'

Even after she left, her words still echoed in his head.

When Yim stood in front of him, right that moment, he had prepared himself to hear harsh words from a fiancée of someone who had slept with their future husband.

Be Mine, Baby✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant