Chapter 2

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War opened his eyes and heard a faint buzzing noise coming from beside him. He lifted his head up to look and see where it was coming from. He saw that it was his phone ringing and picked it up.

"Hello?" War spoke, gruffly while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Where the hell are you both, Ai' War!" War quickly jerked the phone away from his ear to get away from the angry screams coming from Kla. "DO YOU REALIZE WHAT TIME IT IS? It's Professor Pravat's class! Get your asses here asap!" Professor Pravat was one of those strict professors who you don't even want to mess with. He doesn't bother whether you sleep in his class but if any student is late to his class, and disturbs his teaching, let's just say, you don't want to test him on that.

"SHIT! We're on my way!" War tossed his phone onto the bed as he jumped up.

"Ai'Ray!! Shia Ray! Wake up! We're late for class, asshole!" He yelled as he kicked Ray with his leg. When he found his friend moving his ran to the bathroom, shutting the door.

"What the fuck!" He heard Ray scream, and a few seconds later, he could hear the banging of the bathroom door.

They rushed out of the room, almost dressed. They couldn't wait for the elevator. So, they rushed down the stairs and got into Ray's car.

"War, you're driving!" Ray tossed his keys to War as he got into the passenger seat. He was still not ready as compared to War.

When they almost reached their faculty, Ray was almost yelling.

"C'mon- Hurry up and park!" He urged.

"Are you blind asshole! I'm looking for a spot!" War punched his arm, keeping one hand on the wheel and keeping an eye out for a parking space. Ray found a spot and pointed it out.

"There! There's a spot right there!" He already had his seatbelt unbuckled, which War didn't like, but they were in a parking lot, what's the worst that could happen?

"I saw! Just shut it!" He drove towards the spot and parked.

The two rushed to their classroom and peeped inside and let out a sigh of relief. The professor wasn't present. They opened the door and slowly snuck into the room. They took their seats beside Kla, who was rolling his eyes.

"D-did we miss anything?" War asked Kla as he tried to catch his breath.

"Not a lot, genius. You're lucky that the Professor got called away." Kla said.

Just then the professor entered and all the students remained silent.
At lunch, War was quiet and gazing out at the garden while Ray and Kla were waiting in line for their food.

"Hey! I got tomyum for all of us. Looks like the line for gyudon will take forever to get our lunch." War mouthed a 'thanks' to Kla before digging in. Ray placed the three drinks on the table. Orange juice for War, ice latte for Kla, and milk tea for himself.

"Why the hell were you guys even late?" Kla asked as he ate.

"Ray here forgot to set the alarm." Ray gave a guilty smile.

"Hey, at least we made it on time to class." He said.


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