Chapter 6

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"Willyougoonadatewithme?" Yin asked quickly, mustering up his courage. He could see War's cheeks turning red.

"What?" The guy before him blinked in surprise. Yin took a deep breath.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He asked again.

"Is this a prank? Don't joke like this." War answered back.

Before Yin could say anything he heard, War whisper under his breath, "My heart won't be able to handle it"

Yin smiled and moved forwards to grab hold of War's hand.

"I'm serious. So, what will it be?" He asked with a sincere and hopeful gaze. War was convinced that Yin wasn't playing him.

"Sure. I would love to" He said softly with a nod, his cheeks flushed.

"That's great! Are you free tonight? I can pick you up at 8. That sounds good?" Yin asked, and War nodded shyly. Where had his confidence suddenly disappeared to?

Yin took out his phone and gave it to War.

"Your LINE ID and number?" He asked with a beaming smile and War took the phone. He saved his contact details before giving them back to Yin. Yin opened the line chat and texted War. War's phone vibrated in his pocket. So, he pulled it out and opened the chat.

"Hey, Petal" 

War chuckled. He added the number to his contact list and in the blank, for 'Name' he wondered what to type. He looked up at Yin and saw him wearing a Mickey Mouse hoodie. He smiled and typed into his phone.

"See you at 8 then?" Yin asked, and War nodded happily.

Yin beamed and turned to rush downstairs.

"Where are you going?" War asked, grabbing his wrist.

"To get ready for our date," Yin said with a happy smile.

"Oh, what about visiting your grandfather?" War asked, looking upstairs.

"I already visited him earlier," Yin winked. His action made War let go of his hand.

"See you tonight!" Yin yelled as he jogged down the stairs.

War chuckled and shook his head in disbelief at what had happened.

He had just said 'Yes' in going out with Yin!

And it had just struck him.

"Shia... what am I going to wear?" He muttered under his breath.

He pulled out his phone and hesitated a bit before texting Yin.

"What's the dress code?" He asked.

"Professionally. If that's okay with you." He even inserted a nervous emoji.

"Yeah, it is." War texted back.

"Great!" He got back a reply.

War decided to finish his visit and then focus on the date.


They had arrived at the restaurant for their date. It had taken War the whole afternoon to put together a presentable outfit with the help of his friends, of course. When he had told them about the date, they didn't seem to be surprised a lot. It's like they had expected it to happen. When he asked about it, these were their replies.

"Yep, I saw it coming from the minute that guy walked up to you in the café" Jade answered.

"For me, it was the stunt you two pulled in front of me" Ray shook his head as he remembered the particular incident. All of them turned to Kla, who was busy with a game on his phone, expecting his reply.

"What? Don't look at me." He said as he turned to War.

"Don't you have an outfit to put together?" he asked, changing the topic and it successfully worked.

"Come, don't be nervous." Yin held out his hand, and War hesitated for a long second before slowly grabbing Yin's hand. Yin smiled, and he was graced with a shy smile in return.

He could get used to seeing War smile.

"Your table is ready, Khun Wong." A waiter led them to their table, and War fidgeted the whole way.

'Maybe taking War out somewhere classy hadn't been the best idea after all...' Yin thought.

War fumbled once more when the waiter held out a chair for him, but once he was safely seated, some of the tension seemed to finally leave his posture. He just wasn't used to all this style.

"Did you have to go all out for our first date?" he questioned softly, his eyes were beautiful, sparkling with such innocence as he peered at Yin from under his lashes shyly like that.

"For you, I would do anything," Yin spoke softly. "Besides, the choice is in your hands whether we will have more dates in the future," Yin said.

"One step at a time, Phi..." War chuckled.

Yin simply just stared at the guy in awe. He was truly adorable.

"Why are you staring at me?" War asked, looking at the older with a dark glint in his eyes.

"You are really cute and funny."

War blushed at that, and Yin just wanted to eat him up right there and then.

Luckily there was a waiter to distract him from devouring his date, so he ordered them a good bottle of wine while they received the menus.

"Don't look at the prices," he instructed, seeing War pale the moment he opened his menu.

"I can't- this is a joke, right?" War was stammering, his voice pitched high in shock. So Yin hushed him with a smile, honestly holding back from laughing at the cutie in front of him. He reached out and held War's hand.

"It's not. I asked you out after all. So it's my treat, and I'm not expecting anything in return for it either. Don't think I'm trying to guilt you into being with me by spending a little money on you."

"A little?" War's voice broke, and he retreated back against the backrest of his chair in mortification, holding up the menu as a shield to protect him from the embarrassment.

"It's just food," Yin insisted, leaning forward and lowering down War's menu. "Pick anything you like. I especially recommend the spicy-sweet bacon-wrapped shrimp." War made a small, overwhelmed sound before ducking into his menu.

After the order, War wondered how to start the conversation. He immediately remembered the stray puppy Yin had taken home a few nights before.

"So, how's the puppy doing? The one you took home with you a few nights ago." Yin looked up, surprised.

"You saw me?" War nodded shyly. Yin chuckled.

"She's doing better. My friend's a veterinarian. She's all vaccinated, and I guess, she's sleeping at home right now." Yin smiled.

"When I'm at home, she follows me everywhere. When I'm sitting on the couch, she expects me to pick her up or pet her." War chuckled and listened to Yin talk about the new puppy so fondly.

Dinner went off smoothly. They had talked about many things and learned a lot from each other. Not before long, Yin had paid for dinner, and they both stood up to leave the restaurant. Just as they were about to leave, it started pouring outside.

Yin has suggested that he would run to the car and get the umbrella for War, but War rejected the idea. They both waited for the rain to calm down a bit before running towards the parking lot with their jackets above their heads. By the time they got inside the car, they both still managed to get wet.


Published on 25th September 2021

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