Chapter 11

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And just like that, a year passed by.

Yin had even asked War to move in with him on their sixth month anniversary, and War agreed. War was so happy with Yin. And when they celebrated their first anniversary together, he had introduced Yin to his father. Though his father was a bit surprised at first, he grew to like Yin as the days went on. War believed in the promises Yin made with him, and if possible, he fell deeper in love with him. He thought that they would spend a lifetime.

Instead, things slowly fell apart soon after.

One day, War had returned to their penthouse. And like always, the place was quiet and dark except for the sunset filtered through the large windows. It was usual for War to return home first as his work hour ended earlier than his lover. He worked only a few hours at the flower store. And since it was doing well, a few more employees were hired. However, that day, War found Yin's work shoes and work suitcase near the apartment entrance.

It was not unusual for them to have irregular schedules, but they would always tell the other if any of them were going to go home earlier or later. And somehow, by how silent the place was, War felt something was wrong.

True to his thoughts, Yin was sitting on their couch with a glass of scotch in his hand. Immediately, War, who was in a state of alarm went to approach his lover.

Yin, who was staring blankly at the coffee table in front of him, turned his head to the sound of War. And when the War was close enough, Yin wordlessly took his hand and gently pulled him to sit on his lap.

War didn't question as he straddled and embraced his lover in his arms, the taller's head buried in his neck, seeking warmth. He didn't need to know, he understood already.

Softly as he hummed, War ran his hand through Yin's tresses in a way to comfort him. In a way to tell that he was there.

They didn't do anything other than basking in each other's presence and silence. Yin didn't say a word, and War didn't ask. He knew that his lover would say what troubled him when he was ready.

And when Yin proceeded to lift him in his arms, walking towards the bathroom for a bath together, War still didn't question. Even until a week later.

After that night, the older began to go home a little later than usual, despite never forgetting to tell War not to wait up for him. However, at the end of a week, Yin, who usually went home at the latest on 8p.m., didn't call nor return until past midnight. And when he did, War, who had been waiting for him worriedly at home, couldn't even utter a word when the person he had been waiting for walked past their door looking lost and dejected.

Yin then finally told him. That his father, who he had looked up to as a role model all his life- the person who he wanted to be proud of him, underwent emergency surgery because of a heart attack a week ago. And unfortunately, there were unseen complications during and after the surgery. And after a week, his barely conscious father still hadn't left the ICU.

That with his father hospitalized, he would need to step up as an interim Chairman. That the reason he was coming home late was to announce his father's condition that would be publicized on the next day.

And as he confessed, he also told War how everything would be difficult from then on, for there were many who disliked him and his position. That nobody believed he was capable of replacing his father, that he wanted to prove them all wrong.

Thus, in reply to everything, War merely smiled and said that as long Yin loved him the same, he was fine. And for his words, he received the biggest smile from Yin in the past week. The younger thought that it would be okay, that their love was strong enough to go through this.

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