Chapter 15

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"I'm sorry..." War whispered.

An apology which was months overdue. A sentence tying the past, the only one he finally could let free. He had heard from Kwan how Yin had become after he had left. How he was desperate to know the reason why he had left. He also learned that people around Yin began to whisper and spread rumors. The reason Yin became cold was that his lover had left because Yin was going to fail in reviving his family's legacy and lose everything. That he had fallen out of a love that was no longer worth it. That from the beginning, he was just a lowly person who wanted wealth. No one knew the truth of their breakup except for War's father and his close friends. On the other hand, he just wished that Yin didn't believe all those rumors.


But the smaller still had nothing to say.

"You should forget about the past, P'Yin," War said as he smiled at the taller. "What happened doesn't matter anymore."

Yet the painful pulses of his heart said otherwise. And when Yin walked closer, with demeanor cold, War understood.

He was being unfair.

"You can't decide that for me, War." The grip on his arm holding him in place was firm. It wasn't careful nor filled with concern.

Yet it didn't hurt. And the gentleness in his anger, the pain in his eyes, broke War even more.

"It won't change anything." How he tried to force the words out of his chest. An attempt of assurance, to make the person holding him still in place believe.

But Yin didn't waver, "I'll be the one who will tell whether it could or not." through his hold that tightened, and their distance that closed as he gritted the words. Through the scent of expensive liquor and Yin's scent under with moonlight that they breathed.

War's smile wasn't cold like his freezing fingertips. His eyes, too weren't hard as he looked into a pair of eyes that was so lost and hurt. War looked like he was about to cry.

And Yin sounded like he was about to break.

"Do you... regret it?" So close. Their breath mingled together in the coldness of the night. Yin's voice was hesitant, and his grip had loosened. But his eyes never left War, still filled with too many questions and anguish.

It was too much for him. The answer he would admit was.

How many times has Yin been thinking about this? Was he hurt every time he thought about it?

War wanted to let go of him. To free him from those questions.

With his eyes cast down, this time he didn't want to lie. Even when his voice was shaky as he whispered his answer into the night.

"...I do." Breathlessly, he confessed.


"But I would do it again if I-"

Yet it was enough. War's answer was enough for Yin.

It was enough to close the gap between them, with his lips against War's, it was. To stop the hurtful words that would come out next. For them to pause and stay in regret.

But it wasn't supposed to be like this. They weren't supposed to be like this.

As Yin silenced him with a press of a deep kiss, War could feel the breath in his lungs froze along with his mind, halting his heartbeat as the hums at the back of his mind melted his rationality.

The strong arm wrapped around his waist, pressing his cold body against Yin's warm one, seeping fire into his being. The emotions he tried to cage away turned raging, gnawing in his chest as the glass walls around him shattered.

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