Chapter 14

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Yin gazed around the dimly lit nightclub. The music was loud; the entire venue was filled with people drinking and dancing. The party was to celebrate his ascension to become the Official CEO of the Wong Conglomerate. It was supposed to be a private one, but they decided against it at the last moment and decided it would be more fun to hang around at a casual bar instead of a VIP lounge.

Scanning the room, his eyes found Jedi who was already dancing with some girl on the dance floor. Yin just chuckled to himself. This was no shocking behavior from his good friend.

As his eyes continued about the room, he thought he saw someone familiar, which made his heartache suddenly...No. He must be seeing things. Even just thinking about him made him smile and wince. No, it was going to take more than a few drinks to make him forget.

He walked towards the bar and took a seat on the barstool. He placed his order for a refill; before leaning his head against his palm with his elbow resting on the counter. His stomach did a double flip when he heard someone say that name.

"Hey, Nong War! Isn't your shift over? Why don't you go on home? I'll take over." A guy walked out of the backroom and told the guy who was hunched over the glasses. Yin didn't want to think about it too much until he heard that familiar voice.

"Just finishing up, Phi." The boy said as he finished arranging the glasses on the shelf. War turned around, and when he saw him, Yin froze in place.

It was him.

It was War.

His War.

Just as War placed the scotch bottle down in its place, another bartender called out to him.

"Hey War, can I get your help for a sec," War nodded. "A customer over there needs a refill. Could you do it before you leave?" War smiled and nodded again.

"Sure, Phi!" He smiled, and Yin felt attacked. How much he missed that smile. But still, the smile that War gave didn't reach his eyes the way it used to when War smiled with him. He knew it was more of a professional smile but still, he felt hurt that he couldn't see War's genuine happy smile. Yin closed his eyes to avoid the tears and looked away to calm himself down.

"Refill?" That same voice asked, and Yin tried so hard to hold in his tears. He nodded.

"Looks like you had a rough night, huh?" War said, but Yin couldn't bring himself to reply. It's been a rough couple of months. Ever since War left him, he was a mess. He tried to meet War the next day he left. But the latter refused to see him and told him to stay away and never to see him again. And that's what Yin did. He stayed in his apartment for three days, drinking away his pain before masking his feelings down to set everything right. His personal love life might have gone downhill but, he couldn't let his family's business go downhill as well. He kept himself busy with the work. He hardly slept. For whenever he did, he would be dreaming of all the possibilities of why War had left him and would wake up in cold sweat. Most nights, he would prefer to stay back at the office to work on the case than go back to his lonely penthouse. Even Peach wasn't as lively or energetic as before. She was missing War too. And after all those tireless nights, they finally won the case. But still, Yin wasn't happy as before. His father was also on the road to recovery, and he had gotten the position of CEO which he had been working so hard since he graduated. Yet, nothing could make him feel better.

"You have no idea." He finally said, and he could sense War froze in his place.

"P'Yin..." War was stunned. Yin could sense a few mixed emotions. The way War had said it, he could feel that his ex-lover was surprised, but there was a hidden emotion that he couldn't put his finger on.

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