The Plan

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"Perfect! I am so glad you are here to help me. You know the castle like the palm of your hand, no?" Denise Elpton asked. I hesitated, did I really know the castle that well? I mean, I've only lived here for all my life. "Sure, sure, you could say that." I chuckled nervously, what the hell have I gotten myself into?

"Good, good. So where do you suggest we storm in through? An unlocked door...or window, prehaps." I obviously hadn't thought my plan through very well. "May I go to the bathroom?" I asked, it had just come out of my mouth, apparently this was going to help me. "Oh, why of course! Daniella, would you please escort our new ally to the restroom?" He called over one of the soliders that were in the room. "Yes sir." She simply said. I almost backed out, but maybe this could work.

I got up from my seat and Daniella showed me the way bathroom. She stood outside the bathroom and pulled out a hearty durian from her bag she had on her hip. Well that worked, I thought.

Now I had to figure out a plan to get out of here. "You ok in there, Princess?" Dainella asked in a firm voice. "Uh...yeah! I'm fine."

"Need anything?" She asked again. A plan, but I doubt she had one of those. "Nope! I'm good!"

"Alright," Daniella said.

No windows, nothing. Nothing useful at least. I spent a few more minutes brainstroming.

"Princess, still in there?"

"Yes!" She was doing her job, and that was good, just not for me. "Hey, Daniella, I think I'm gonna take a bit longer can go back, I know the way."

"Sorry, Princess, I can't do that." She said, in a paient tone. "Are you sure? Maybe you should go ask Elpton." It was silent for a moment.

"I'll go ask real quick, I'll be back." She said, finally decided. I heard her foot steps in the distance, she was running. There was no time to think, I had to get out of the bathroom and find a way out of here. I also felt disgusting as I hadn't taken a shower in a few days. I was in the same (F/C) dress when I was kidnapped.

I unlocked the door to the bathroom and ran the oppsite direction that Daniella went. There was a door, and luckly it was unlocked. Wow! Today is obviously the day of the escape! Let's not jinx it.

I opened the door and everything was bright. It was colorful and not all red and white and gold. I was free, up in the sky were birds. Then I looked in front of me.

"Y/N!" I heard Link yell. Here already, huh? "Link!" Then standing next him was Denise. "Denise. You've got some explaining to do." I told him. He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, "Nice to see you too." He said with a sheepish smile. "It's decent to see you," I replied.

"Hey! What about me? Don't I get a hug...or something?" Link said.

"You can get a hug. I also heard you said a bad word, I'm concerned." I told him. "But bring it!" I hugged him and his body was really warm. The warmth I've missed the last couple of days. Then I let go of him and glared at Denise, "Just wait till I tell Gabby."

He looked shocked. "Wait! Don't tell her, please!" He said.

"If you want me to listen, then get on your knees and beg." I smirked at him, he rolled his eyes. I laughed, "I won't tell her."

He looked and sighed with relief, "Thank-"

"Maybe." I interuppted him.

"Augh." He said simply.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that I'm here?" Link said.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that I escaped on my own without you two idiots?"

"True, true." They both said bluntly.


"F.L.E.A.S? Like the-"

"Yes, like the book." I told Link.

"I thought it was called Elpton Enterprises, E.E," Denise said. Gabby stayed silent, still trying to comprehend the situation. She also stayed pretty far away from Denise, after the information she had just been thrown at her.

"Well you don't know everything, Denise." I told him. "Now we need to figure how to take them down." I said, "Denise knows everything about that place, except for the name. He can get into meetings since he's the chief of the soldiers there. So we can count on him, right?"

Denise nodded. "Let's hope so," Gabby said bitterly. Denise's eyes widened and his whole face went pale. He knew that Gabby probably didn't trust him anymore. That was the sad truth now.

Ignoring the tension, which was very hard, I said, "Well, shall we get started?"

✓Somedayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن