Chapter 22

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Warning(s): mentioned past manipulation, swearing,

Somehow, Quackity had managed to sneak through the borders and the walls of guards.
This us what needed to be done, even tho Quackity very well could be caught and executed for what he was doing at any time.

He felt that he needed to help Red and George, even tho he probably did enough in return to justify not helping the two anymore.
Still- he did. Maybe out of pity, maybe out of desire to see the man suffer for what he'd done. All the pain he'd caused others.

He climbed up the ivy vines, hoisting himself up to get through the window.
Tommy sat on the bed, staring off into space before he realized Quackity had come, and the child smiled.

"Hey kid," Quackity panted, his chest heaving and heavy with lack of oxygen.
Tommy jumped off his bed, a grin spread across his face.
"I found him!"
"You what?"
"King Philza! My dad! I found him!"

Quackity smiled in a mix of relief and shock, a breathy laugh leaving his lips.
"That's amazing," he exclaimed, "W-where did you find him? Where is he? D-did he tell you anything?"

Tommy did his best to keep up with all the questions he was being asked, but he produced answers regardless.
"He was in the dungeon! He told me all about how the king overthrew him after my mama died and what happened!"

"T-that's awesome, kid! This will help us tons, you have no clue how much this will help us!"
Quackity smiled ear to ear and pulled Tommy in for a very sudden hug, but he quickly accepted the embrace anyways.

"Look kid, we're going to help you and your father get your kingdom back, that evil bastard is going to pay." Quackity grinned.
Tommy nodded, "Oh! Wait! He also kept talking about someone or something called the Blood God? Who's that?"

Quackity shrugged, "I'm sorry kid, but I don't know what or who the Blood God is. We can do some research, though. Look into it and see what we can find?"
Tommy smiled, "That would be great! Thank you!"
The kid flung his arms briefly around the man, before he jumped back out the window.


On his way back home, Quackity made a mental note to himself to ask Red about the Blood God, and to look into it.
That would have to wait for a little bit, until George and Red came for their next visit.

For now, he had a matter to discuss with Foolish. Lately, he'd observed how tense the man became whenever the subject of the Velvet Kingdom was brought up.
It concerned him, Foolish was usually relaxed, almost too relaxed. It sometimes felt as if he was trying to distract himself from something.

"Foolish!" Quackity called, drawing the others attention away from whatever he was working on at the moment.
"Yeah? What's up?" Foolish mumbled, turning away from him work.

"I've noticed, you've been acting off as of late."
Foolish shrugged in an attempt to hide his growing worry, "Really? When?"
Quackity cleared his throat, "Whenever we speak of the Velvet Kingdom, you become tense. Do you have any connections there? Family members, friends?"

Foolish looked down, arms crossed. He opened his mouth, but nothing left this lips.
"Take your time. Tell me when you're ready," Quackity mumbled, turning away to head to his house.

"My friend," Foolish spoke up suddenly, his voice choked, "E-eret. My friend is Eret- the king! The king manipulated them!"
"Who's this Eret?" Quackity prompted, "Please, tell me more of this person."

Foolish swallowed, and continued his story.
"W-well, me and Eret were best friends. T-then the king manipulated them into thinking some bullshit I don't bother to remember. I don't know how they believed it. I don't know how, but they believed it."

Quackity shook his head, "I know. The king had quite the talent at manipulation, doesn't he?"
Foolish shrugged, "I'm aware. I never knew Eret to he easily manipulated, but here we are I guess."

Foolish lifted his gaze to look Quackity in the eyes, "The entire reason I joined Nevadas in the first place was to try and...distract..myself from the guilt."
Foolish admitted it through gritted teeth, as if he was ashamed of himself for not being able to do more for Eret.

"What guilt?" Quackity questioned, almost incredulous, "It wasn't your fault that bastard tricked your friend."
Foolish crossed his arms tighter over his body and shrugged once more, "I know. But still, they were my friend! I should've seen it coming, I should've tried to help them sooner!"

Quackity sighed, knowing it wouldn't be possible for Quackity himself to convince Foolish he wasn't at fault.
"Well, I need to get to work Foolish. Have a goodnight."
"You too," Foolish mumbled under his breath.

Quackity headed back to his house, already planning his next visit to Tommy with a new mission for the child on his mind.

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