Chapter 11

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Warning(s): attempted execution, swearing, hanging, yelling,

The crowd wooped and yelled as the enemy was lead in front of them, the gallows taunting both princes as it loomed over the small town.
Red kept his head down, eyes trained on his feet as he was forcefully pulled to his inevitable demise.

The shrieks for death and of hate filled the small village, the villagers grinning and yelling that they wanted the boy to die.

"That'll teach the Velvet kingdom!"
"I wonder if the king of the enemy kingdom will even care."
"Serves the damn brat right for trying to kill another member of our royal family!"

Ant shivered and held himself tight, trying to avoid Red's gaze as the other boy looked to him as if to say 'goodbye' one last time.
He couldn't handle this, so what if the kings last child had died because they fell in love with an enemy? It wouldn't happen to Ant, would it? Red would never, never, wouldn't he?

Red stood at the gallows, rope secured around his neck as he looked out into the crowd calling for his untimely death.
The executioner stood and waited for the command to let the boy hang.
Ant watched his father intently, waiting for him to give the signal as he held the crossbow behind his back.

The prince waited for his father to turn away just for a second. The king turned for a split second and Ant is quick to act, raising the bow as the man nodded the head.
The executioner dropped the floor from under him and Red almost stopped breathing, almost.

That was until the pressure around his neck was suddenly removed and he fell to the ground with a thud and yells of protest and anger broke out around him.


Red looked around baffled before he looked eyes with Ant. Emerald met turquoise and he saw the urgency as Ant flung his arm frantically to the side gate.
The prince got the memo and ran faster than he ever had before as barley managed to slid under the metal spikes and felt the skin of his arms arms legs tear and peel up as he cries out in pain.

The pain didn't last and he scrambled to his feet, eyes wide as he frantically looked for a way to run. Spotting the way he'd come from, Red turned and ran for the trail.
Ignoring the yells of the guards chasing after him, the prince turned to fling himself into a clump of sweet berry bushes.

The guards passed right by him, still calling out to one another to try and find the escapee. Red sat and shivered as the night began to fall. The execution had taken place at noon, a few hours having passed by now.
The boy sobbed, every emotion bottled up for the past months coming out as he sobbed brokenly in the vegetation in the middle of enemy territory.

Red forced himself silent whenever he thought he heard anyone approaching, but the tears still flowed.
When dusk had faded into a starless, silent, night, the prince finally got up and forced himself to travel, but not back to his own castle.

The Velvet and Frost Kingdom's weren't the only kingdoms there were. The Frost Kingdom was stationed in the North and shared a South border with the Velvet kingdom, which was stationed primarily in the South.

The Kinoko kingdom was in the East, ruled by a peaceful man and sharing a few borders with the Frost and the Velvet kingdoms. Then there was the Nevadas Kingdom, lead by a power-hungry man that seemed to have no regard for other's(if he did, he didn't show it), in the West, sharing borders with all three other kingdoms.

Red knew going to an enemy kingdom was stupid, especially since he'd just escaped death and the word of an escaped prisoner would surely find its way to the other kingdoms in no time.
Red knew he couldn't go home, his father would never let him back again. But what about Tommy? What would happen to him? Gods know how bad he's already been hurt by the kings rage. And they all knew that the queen wouldn't do anything about it, she was far too afraid of the king to speak up.

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