Chapter 13

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George has an alliance with Quackity and tons more lore

"What are you doing here?" Is the first thing Quackity demanded when he spotted the two standing just across his border.
George cleared his throat importantly, "Quackity, we came to discuss something... important, with you."

The Mexican growled and gritted his sharp teeth together, eyes burning into the two as he spat his response.
"Fine. What do you want?"
Red flinched a bit at the displayed anger, moving to stand behind George in new-found fear.

"We," George started, "came to request an alliance."
"An...alliance?" Quackity mumbled, eyes narrowing further as his fist closed around empty air.

George swallowed and rolled his shoulders, blinking slowly.
"Quackity, you have a boy named Fundy residing with you, correct?"
The man became even more tense, hissing his response, "Yes...why?"

"Well, you also have a grudge against a certain two people who live in the Frost Kingdom, don't you?" George kept going, coaxing a sputter out of the other.
Quackity gritted his teeth, "I do. Why do you bring this to my attention?"

"These two are Sapnap and Karl, correct?" The man draws carefully, planning every word and tensing in preparation he knew could come at any moment due to Quackity's mental damage.

"You already know I do," Quackity forced from his lips, attempting to push away the old memories he'd tried so hard to bury for so many years.
George allowed a bullet of sympathy to form a hole in his heart, he knew how it felt to leave behind a loved one. He can't even imagine what it must've felt like to be abandoned so suddenly.

"I'm sorry for what happened," George apologized quickly out of courtesy, clearing his throat and lifting his chin again.
"However, I'm sure you're well aware of what happened with Prince Wilbur and Princess Niki some time back?"

This peaked Quackity's interest, and the man looked up from the spot his eyes had been glued to to give them a puzzled look.
"Yes? I do? Not much, but I've heard the basics of it. The heirs of two kingdoms at war fall in love, one is forced to kill the other. The other one runs away and so on."

George nodded in affirmation, body rather stiff as he continued, hoping it would be received well by the other leader.
"Fundy is Wilbur's son."
"I know."
George was a bit shocked, shaking his head as he kept going.

"This," George stepped to the side, "Is Red. Of the Velvet Kingdom."
Quackity shook his head in disbelief, "Excuse me? Who?"
"This is Prince Red of the Velvet Kingdom."

The Mexican sucked in a breath through his teeth and looked at the teen before his with wide eyes, amazed and shocked.
"How- Prince Wilbur- what? His father- What the hell is going on!?" Quackity dug his hands into his hair, confusion taking over.

George side-eyed Red, and the prince took his as his que to step forward and explain.
"I am Red of the Velvet Kingdom. Allow me to explain. Not everything we've know is as it seems."

Quackity narrowed his eyes, "I'm listening."
"You don't know this, but my father wasn't always the rulers of the Velvet Kingdom. King Philza and Queen Kristin ruled far before him. Queen Kristin came down with a horrid sickness soon after giving birth to Tommy, and it eventually killed her. After the queens death, my father...took over. He took advantage of the kings fragile state after his wife's passing and overthrew him."

Quackity choked on nothing, and Red kept going when he showed no sighs of trying to say anything in return.
"Now, King Philza and Queen Kristin had two sons, Wilbur and Tommy, they are- were my step-brothers. Neither remember their parents, Wilbur was very young and Tommy was hardly an infant."

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