Chapter 18

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Quackity had been given his instructions. This was simple- atleast, is should be.
The plan was set, there would be no going back once he set foot in that kingdom. However, he refused to back down. He wasn't a cowered.

After all, Red and George had gone through all that trouble to fulfill a silly wish to see his ex-lovers again, and give him peace of mind.
Quackity owed them one, for all they'd done. His legs felt like jelly as they approached the border.

"Where's the kids room, again?" Quackity breathed, his heart pounding as he turned to the disgraced prince.
Red turned back to the man, "The East Wing of the second floor. Don't forget the guards-"

Quackity cut him off, "I know! I know, sorry. I'll be careful with those idiots, I won't get caught. You'll know if I do."
Red nodded with understanding, "Good luck."
"Thanks," Quackity mumbled before he crossed over the border.

Quackity was small, short, and rather thin. All this made it easier for him to avoid eyes and slink around in the shadows- almost undetectable in the underbrush.
He kept himself low to the ground, watching every step he took with vigilance.

Soon enough, the castle came into view and the man felt his heart in his throat.
Quackity took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself and untense his shoulders. He tried to keep calm as he remembered the information Red had provided him.

The guards left for their lunch break for about an hour at noon, which was the only time the walls around the East Wing were ever left completely unguarded.
Quackity only had to wait a few minutes for the guards to leave, and he took his first opportunity.

There was a blanket of ivy and moss that fell down the side of the castle wall leading up to the youngest princes window.
Quackity kept glancing around rapidly as he climbed the ivy, hands clenching around the leaves as he felt anxiety rise in his chest.

The anxiety was dimmed slightly when he reached the top and spotted the prince, who had his back turned, sitting at a sort of art desk, drawing.
There was a soft thump as Quackity landed on the wooden floor, and the boy turned to see the source, blue eyes going wide at the sight.

The yell was cut short as Quackity clapped a hand over the child's mouth, gritting his teeth with fear of being caught.
"Quiet!" The man mumbled under his breath, chest heaving.

Tommy gripped at Quackity's hand, hand wrapping around the man's wrist to the best of his ability and yanking it away.
The boy stumbled back against the wall, pupils dilated as he glared up at the older.

"Who the hell are you!?" Tommy demanded, chest tight and fists clenched.
"Calm down," Quackity tried, before the child began to cut him off again.
"Calm down!? How am I supposed to-!?"

"Shut up!" Quackity snapped, harsher than he meant to be as a result of the stress, worry, and anticipation.
Tommy went quiet after that, pressing himself against the wall in a resolve to atleast try and listen to what this strange man had to say.

"So, you're name is Tommy right? Prince of the Velvet Kingdom?" Quackity asked rhetorically.
Tommy just nodded, tensed and shaking slightly. The boy reached a hand to wrap a strand of his blonde curls around his finger.

Quackity took notice of this for a brief moment, guessing it was a coping mechanisms before speaking again.
"So, you're older step-brother Red. He was nearly executed and such- I'm sure you've heard."

Tommy simply nodded, curled up on himself as he watched the man intently, shivering as he curled a hand in his hair.
"I-I know," Tommy mumbled, finally gathering enough courage to speak up.

Quackity offered a quick flash of a smile, trying to sooth the child's anxious nerves even just a bit as a sort of an apology. This must be rather scary for such a young kid.
"Well, he's been residing with King George of Kinoko Kingdom for a bit, we've been...working."

"Working?" Tommy prompted, curious. Blue eyes shone up at Quackity, and he couldn't help but feel bad for the fact he was going to practically drag this kid into the middle of the war.
"Yes, you're father...? The king?"

Tommy shrugged, "He's...I don't think he's my father. Wilbur used to tell me stories of my real parents."
"Oh," Quackity mumbled, "Well, I'm sure you know he's a cruel man."

Quackity leaned in, hushing his voice and narrowing his eyes, "Tommy, listen to me very carefully. We're going to overthrow the king."
"You're what-!?"
"Shhh!" Quackity hissed, "We need your help. Follow these instructions very carefully."

Tommy nodded, leaning in as if it would help him hear or understand what he was being told clearer. Quackity almost let himself smile at the child-like action.
"Alright, did Wilbur ever say your parents name name you? In the stories he told?" Quackity already knew the answer, but he was trying to keep this more understandable for the child.

"Yeah- I think their names were Philza and Kristin? They sounded nice, I wish I met them."
Quackity nodded curtly, "Did your brother ever tell you what happened to them?"
Tommy shook his head no, confusion and curiously alike taking a spot on his face.

"The current king overthrew him. We need to know where he is, and you're our best bet on finding out."
Tommy scoffed, "So I'm a bet now?"
Quackity shook his head, ", that's not what I meant. What I meant is that we need you to help us, desperately."

The Mexican looked back up, a pair of ocean blue eyes staring back at him, "Tommy. You are very important in this. Please, you need to help us."
Tommy tensed up, a sudden feeling of importance mixing with a certain pride a child can only feel when they had a purpose.

"The king can't know any of this. Could you look around the castle? Try to find any clues to where Philza might've gone?"
Quackity looked at the kid with a pleading look, and Tommy nearly pittied him.

"I can do that, I think. Will I meet mama and papa if I do?" He looked so innocent, and it broke Quackity's heart. However, he had to be honest.
"Maybe, there is no guarantee. Still, if you do this we can get rid of the mean king! Everyone will be much happier."

Quackity smiled softly at the quizzical look, a feeling of immense relief flooding over him when Tommy nodded.
"Okay, I will. Does this mean I'll get to see Wilby again?"

Quackity flinched, pity for the child and sadness breaking his heart into pieces. This child had next to no clue what was going on- but was still so willing to help a complete stranger on the off chance he might get to see his brothers again.
Quackity realized that the hour was almost over and that he had to leave soon, gasping slightly.

"Sorry kid, but I need to go now. I'll try to come see you again sometime soon- goodbye."
"Bye!" Tommy called out to Quackity as he observed the man bolt to the underbrush.

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