Chapter 17

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Meeting time

Quackity was excited yet terrified, he would finally see his ex-lovers again, and he was ecstatic, even tho he'd never admit he still for them.
He bit his tounge as he made his way to the old meeting spot, where roses and anomanoe flowers grew together.

The sun always provided the most beautiful sunsets for the trio, and the stariest nights when they'd fight to see who could find the most constellations fastest.
Quackity had felt his heart shatter so many times over in the that place- yet he still felt so many wonderful memories flood him when he went there.

No matter how much he tried to suppress the feelings, Quackity still felt as if a spark of love for the two still burned deep inside his heart.
Picking up a single rose- it brought back so many memories.

Karl plucked two beautiful roses from the bunch of flowers, and placed either one in his lovers hair.
"We'll be together forever," he smiled, as all three embraced.

Quackity was forced out of his daydreaming of the past by a soft, familiar voice calling his name.
He turned to see Karl and Sapnap, who both had mixed expressions of happiness and pain in place.

"Karl, Sapnap," Quackity mumbled curtly, resisting the urge to fling his arms around the two and sob.
"Q, listen we-" Sapnap started, reaching for Quackity, before having his hand smacked away.

"Don't touch me," the man gritted his teeth and crossed his arms, tho the pain was still visible.
"I-I'm sorry," Sapnap babbles in shock, taken aback by the sudden actions. That was a first, Quackity had never done anything like that before. Then again- time had passed.

"Quackity, why, why are we here? Did you...want to see us again?" Karl asked, cautiously hopeful.
Quackity scoffed in return, "Not to see you. I just...I need answers...why? Why did you leave me, so suddenly?"

Tears began to prick at the corners of the man's eyes, and his chest became increasingly tighter and tighter as he spoke.
"We," Sapnap started, but quickly lost his words and went silent.

"We- we have a reason," Karl finished for him, his tone panicked.
Karl sucked in a breath, "Okay, maybe it's not a good one, but we have a reason! We still love you, we didn't just leave you without a reason!"

"Then what is it," Quackity snapped, glaring up at the man.
"We were- we were promoted fo higher positions after Sapnap's parents retired, and we no longer had time for the meetings and we didn't tell you and-"

Karl began to hyperventilate as he continued, breaths getting progressively shorter and quicker.
"You..left me...for, for some job!?" Quackity snarled, tears freely flowing down his cheeks as his chest heaved.

"I'm sorry," Sapnap choked out, his voice raspy and shaking.
"I'm fucking sure you are," the Mexican scoffed, "You're both pathetic."
"We know," Karl admitted, wrapping his arms around Sapnap in an attempt to comfort him.

After a moment, Quackity's voice broke the silence.
"But, I don't know why, but I...I still love you both, and I hate it,"Quackity admitted, face going red as he made his confession.
Sapnap got a bit of a hopeful look in his eyes, perking up just a little bit.

"R-really?" Karl whispered, arms tightening more and more around his lover.
"Yes..I would...maybe, if we could...begin..meeting again?" Quackity mumbled, eyes teary and shaking.

"We would love to!" Sapnap smiled, a smile spreading across his face.
"Maybe," Quackity hissed, looking down at his feet.
The two approached carefully, eyes wide, as if they didn't believe this moment had come.

Quackity stepped forward and breathed heavily, before the three of them were close enough together for the man too fall against Karl and begin sobbing.
"Why do I still love you...after everything, you left me! And didn't say anything..."

"You fucking left me! Why do I still love you, damnit!?" Quackity shrieked and shook Karl hard.
Karl didn't move as Quackity shook his almost violently, nails digging into the taller man's shoulders.

Sapnap went undetected as he went around behind Quackity to wrap his arms around the shorter man, another comforting hand in his hair.
The man continued to sob and scream and pounded his hands against Karl's chest, who was still holding him still.

Karl didn't budge as Quackity he used him as a punching bag and screaming over and over about how they'd left him, how he'd left so lonely and how he thought they didn't love him anymore- and it all broke Sapnap and Karl's hearts all over again.

After the tirade of anger and built-up pain was finally let out, Quackity just kept sobbing into Karl's chest.
Sapnap hummed softly and rubbed his hands up and down Quackity's waist, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of the younger man's neck as he cried.

Karl nuzzled into Quackity's hair and rubbed his back, eyes soft and teary. The youngest man's legs gave out, and he collapsed onto Karl, fists tightening around his shirt.
"Please, never leave me again," Quackity hiccuped.

"We won't, we promise," Sapnap mumbled into his ear pressing another reassuring kiss to the back of his neck.
Karl didn't speak, silently promising the same with a gentle embrace that surrounded Quackity and made him feel safe.

None of them were quite aware about how long they'd been there, but it had been long enough for the sun begin to disappear under the horizon.
The three reluctantly let go, arms falling away from Karl's waist and pulling his face from the other's chest.

"I'm sorry," Sapnap mumbled, "But we need to leave. We've got to work tomorrow."
Quackity nodded, wiping at the tears in his eyes, "It's alright, I understand. Can we meet again, any time?"

Sapnap nodded, "Our next day off is in a week, we can meet again then."
Quackity turned to hug the man and smiled at the familiar scent he hadn't smelled in too long, comforting and somewhat nostalgic.

"I love you both," Quackity finally brought himself to say aloud, happiness shining through all three of the men's expressions before saying their goodbyes and leaving.
As he made his way back home, Quackity thought over the proposed alliance again.

Prince Red and King George had gone through so much trouble to reunite Quackity with his lovers again- and they truly needed any help they could get. It would be a shame if all their efforts went to waste in the end.

Quackity let out a quiet hum. Yes, he would agree to the alliance.

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