Chapter 12

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Tons of lore in this and the next few chapters
Also mostly dialog lol

George walked with his head held high, eyes scanning the hall for a place to escape from just incase their plan didn't go well.
He was sat at a table across from the king, catching sight of slightly pained green eyes as he sat, not letting his own eyes linger on the commander for a moment longer.

"Hello, King George," the other king greeted, rather tense.
"Hello, your majesty."
The king shifted in his seat slightly, clearing his throat, hands placed infront of him as if he was praying.

"So, you'd like to discuss setting up a trade route for our kingdoms? Why?" The king questioned, suspicious.
"Yes," George clarified, "I think this could benefit both our kingdoms. The only edible thing your kingdom is very good at growing is rice, correct?"

The king nodded, eyes narrowing.
"My kingdom grows abundants of edible mushrooms year round, and I've grown quite bored of eating them. A change might be good for the both of us," George continued.

The king shrugged, "I think this might be a good idea. I'll think about it, you might be right. However, my soldiers are quite tired and busy, looking for the escapee and all."
George nodded, smiling, "I understand. May I use your restroom?"

The king nodded, "Down the hall, too your left."
George nodded, a small smile still on his lips as he left the room.
Walking down the hall, George looked for Prince Ant, hoping he would just be walking down the hall or something so the king could pass the message.

The Prince had guards stationed outside his room, from what George could see from his current position.
After a bit of waiting for the prince to exit his room, he must've been taking a bit too long, because someone came for him.
"King George, the King was concered. He sent me to find you."

Dream didn't make eye contact with George and bowed, ignoring how his heart fluttered when he spoke the name.
George rolled his eyes, "Stand up. We both know we're closer than just our silly titles."

"Were. We were closer, your majesty," Dream averted his gaze, trying not to pay mind to the pain in his heart when he spoke those words.
"Don't call me by my title, Dream. You know my name."
Dream was silent for a moment before he responded, "As you wish, your majesty."

"George, the King is waiting for you."
George pressed a slim finger to the tallers lips, hushing him enough to tell him.
"Dream, listen to me carefully. Ant and Red need our help, you will tell Ant to meet Prince Red of the Velvet Kingdom under the Wisteria. You will tell no one besides Ant, this exchange stays between us."

"But, George-"
"That wasn't a request. That was an order."
Dream and George made their way back to the meeting room, the younger planning on doing as he'd been told that night.


The King and George's meeting ended, the latter not really planning on actually going through with setting up a trade route with them.
On his way out, he made eye contact with Dream, who nodded very discreetly; just enough to signal that the plan would be carried out.

George smiled small and approvingly, not allowing his eyes to linger long enough to spot the pink blush spreading across Dream's face.
The man left the castle in all confidence, knowing full well that his ex-lover would go through with it. He knew Dream, too well, he knew what the man was willing to do for him.

He reached Kinoko Kingdom in good time, finding Red sitting alone, seemingly staring off into space.
"Hey," George greeted, a sly smile spread across his thin lips.
"Hello," Red greeted back, trying to smile slightly.

George sat next to Red, the teens knees pressed against his chest.
"What are you thinking about?" George asked tentatively, hoping it wasn't anything bad. Gods forbid this poor kid has gone through anything else than he had let on, even tho he knew there was most likely much more things that Red had been subjected to in his short life.

"My brother," Red admits after a moment, contemplating if it would be okay for him to tell the kind king what had happened to him.
"I see...What's his name?" George tried, trying not to overstep.

"Tommy," Red answered, receiving a soft hum in return.
"What's wrong? You look worried," George prompted as he sat next to the fallen prince.
"My father- he- you know," Red shrugged before continuing, "My mother is too afraid to say anything. Anyone else would be a fool for trying to talk sense into my father, after all he's done."

"What has he done?"
Red tensed at the question, shoulders bunching up before George caught sight of how nervous he seems at the question.
"I apologize. I shouldn't have asked, it was insensitive of me," George apologized.

"No, no," Red shook his head, "My father is a cruel man. He- he wasn't always the king."
George snapped his head to the boy, eyes wide.
"He- what...?"
Red shook his head, "It's true. He doesn't know i know, but there were better rulers before him, until he took over the kingdom."

"How- how do you know this!?" George shouted, eyes blown wide as he shot up to stand infront of Red.
"History books, scripts in the forbidden section of the library I wasn't supposed to be in," the teen answered bluntly.

Red looked up to meet the kings eyes before he continued.
"King Philza, I think his name was. He and his wife, Kristin, founded and ruled the kingdom much better than my father ever did."

Red pursed his lips bitterly, eyes narrowed into tiny slits.
"Well, have you heard of Princess Niki of the Frost Kingdom and Prince Wilbur of the Velvet Kingdom?"
George sucked in a breath, nodding silently ad he continued to stare at the young prince.

"Wilbur was my step-brother," Red admitted, eyes not leaving the floor.
"WHAT!?" George shrieked, confusion and terror alike taking place in his wide eyes.
"King Philza was his father, birth to Wilbur's brother, my step-brother, Tommy. Philza was in shambles after Kristin's death, and my father took the chance to overthrown him... he's probably dead by now. If not, he's very old."

"That's terrible!" George mumbled over his breath, hand covering his mouth.
"W-what else do you know!? This could be useful information! We could we could take down your father!"

"No," Red snapped, "We can't!"
"But- I do know more. Someone who could help if we can find him. His name was Technoblade, the Blood God. A friend of Philza's- King Philza told many stories of Technoblade to his son that Wilbur passed down to me before..."
Red trailed off.

George crouched down to the teens level and placed his hands on Red's shoulder, demanding, "What else!?"
"So, Wilbur ran away after my father forced him to kill Princess Niki. Wilbur had a wife after Niki though, her name was Sally, the Princess of the Sirens. T-they had a son, his name was Fundy. Fundy- he ran away after...after...after my father killed Princess Sally."

George wasn't even surprised at this, the king was extremely cruel and heartless.
"Where did- wait- did you say, Fundy?"
Red looked up, confused before nodding.
"Yes...that's his name..."
"There's a member of the Nevadas Kingdom with the same name!" George gasped as if he'd just discovered something never heard before.

"Was he a fox hybrid!?"
"FUNDY IS STILL ALIVE!" George screamed, "He's in the Nevadas Kingdom! He can help us!"
"What!? You want him to help us!? My father would kill him!" Red near shrieks, eyes going even wider than George's.

"But we need to! Come on Red, let's go!"
Red shook his head, mumbling out his next words, "And how do you propose we get to him!?"
George sighed, "Look, I know Quackity, the prince of the Nevadas Kingdom. We aren't friends, but we have a mutual respect and recently we've mentioned an alliance. This might be a good time for me to take him up on that offer."

Red gritted his teeth and leaned forward.
"Come on kid, we gotta do something about that monster! With everything you know we can take him down, we can overthrown him!" George tried to convince, running out of breath as he rambled.

It took a few minutes if back and forth and George kept trying to convince the prince to do as he was asking.
"Fine," Red finally sighed, giving in and looking up into George's eyes.

George smiled, "Good. Now, let's go pay a visit to Quackity, shall we?"
Red shrugged, following George out of the castle and towards the border.

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