"Do you know something?" She said, "I am hungry." Y/N looked at her friend with a raised eyebrow and smiled incredulously. "I don't want to show you a paradise being hungry." She continued. "We should go eat."

Hwang could not help but laugh at how scattered her friend was, however, she just shrugged; from the beginning, it had all been Christina's idea: eating before or after going to the new store was not something that bothered her at this point.

"Okay, let's go. I follow you."

Chris smiled. That was one of the reasons why she adored Y/N; the girl never created troubles to get things done. At least not with her. Then, she took her by the wrist and began to walk towards the large terrace of the building.

That was how, after a couple more hesitations from Christina, they ended up going to Subway. Y/N was the first to make the order, since it could take her friend a few extra minutes.

Y/N smiled at the girl behind the counter, and she began to tell her the ingredients she wanted her sandwich with. Later, she moved to the cash register. There, a boy with orange hair and big eyes greeted her with a smile. Y/N reciprocated his action and then indicated that she would pay for her order and her friend's, so she would have to wait for her.

"It might... take a while." She murmured then to him, slightly embarrassed to see Chris holding her chin with her left hand like every time she pondered her options a little too much.

"Don't worry," Craig waved his hands sweetly, "we're not closing for another four hours."

They both giggled, and Y/N looked closely at the boy. His face was perfectly symmetrical and he wore his forehead uncovered.

"You haven't been here before, have you?"

She tilted her head, a little off guard, and then shook her head.

"No, why?"

"Nothing." He replied with a beaming smile. "I knew I wouldn't have forgotten your face otherwise."

Then, Y/N's cheeks turned color at being taken by surprise with those words, and she shook her head.

"...am I interrupting?"

At that moment, Christina came to her side, finally with her order finished and a smile on her face. Y/N immediately denied again, as did the boy. However, Chris narrowed her eyes knowing that something peculiar had happened seconds before she arrived.

Then, as Y/N proceeded to pay for the food, the girl noticed how Craig's eyes fell on her friend carefully, and took a napkin. Then she took a pen out of her bag and began to write.

"Done." Y/N handed him the cash and smiled once more.

Then, just before they both left the place, Christina looked at the boy and smiled, handing him the napkin.

"Here, it's her number."


Wooyoung licked his lips as he looked around him. Silence surrounded him and the tranquility of doing nothing invaded his body. He had been sitting in the living room of his house for about an hour, staring at a lost spot on the floor.

To his surprise, when he got home that afternoon, Y/N was not there. When noticing it, a strange sensation crossed his body; almost as if he had not expected to return to the place and find himself alone.

Indeed, that was it.

And it was not until after three hours that he stopped feeling that way, when he heard a knock on the front door.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung Wooyoungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن