🥀🖤 he is... my son...🖤🥀

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"I WON'T GAVE BIRTH UNTIL CAO IS HERE!!" Chocolate chip scream in pain "My your Majesty!! You need to gave birth now!! Your water broke less than 45 minutes ago!!!" The maid say "I can't!!!" Chocolate chip say "I promise he's on his way!!" The maid say helping Chocolate chip lay down "YOU better to get cao before this baby is born, or otherwise YOU GOING TO BE EXECUTED!!!" Chocolate chip say while holding and scream, the maid got some healers and materials for the birth.

Chocolate chip was screaming, pushing and cursing, while being bad in humor "GET THIS BRAT OUT OF ME!!!" Chocolate chip say and pushing "is not that easy! It's been just 1 hour and half! You still need to push" the healer say checking "AHH!!! WHERE'S CAO?! YOU LIAR!!" Chocolate chip pointed out at the maid, she was praying inside for Dark cacao to come possible.

At the end, Dark cacao arrived, and went straight up to the room, the maid sign calm that the witches heard her prayers, Chocolate chip was still pushing "cao! You came to me!" Chocolate chip say, Dark cacao sit to the side of Chocolate chip while holding her hand.

Hours and hours pass, still same, but this was the baby head "push once more' the healer say, Chocolate chip did and push again, she was tired now, and then a baby cry come out "is a boy!! Get the other things" the healer say, they did what they have to do and finally check on the baby and clean it to put on a soft blanket for baby on his pamper and pass it to Chocolate chip to see it "oh god.. he looks like you cacao" Chocolate chip say while holding the baby in happy tears "what?" Dark cacao say "he does, look, he has the same hair like you and face and the skin tone is like mine, he's a perfect combination of us" Chocolate chip say, dark cacao got close and sit besides once again to Chocolate chip, and it was true, he looked exactly like him, he couldn't believe that "carry him cacao" Chocolate chip said, dark cacao carried the baby and look at it, no longer the baby move and grab Dark cacao finger with his tiny hands, dark cacao smile in tears as well.

6 days pass and it was confirmed "your Majesty.... you...are.... the father" the highest priest say, dark cacao kiss Dark choco forehead, within the 6 days, Chocolate chip was softly, and she was in love with her son, and that moment they did a ceremony to all neighbor nations to welcome the new heir of the dark kingdom... but still, Dark cacao plan needs to continue, now the case is already in Hollyberry hands and cheese now, it just time before the tragedy of the Queen, and after that they would make a memorial day for the massacre of Sweet Vanilla importantly vanilla flower, but that's later on, for now Dark cacao have to enjoy being with his newborn son.

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