🖤~ Walking together ~🌼

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Dark cacao and pure vanilla finished their food and pay for what they ordered "so.. do you wanna take a walk with me before going back to the dorm?" Dark cacao said with a serious look on his face "sure! I would like too" pure vanilla says accepting the offer.

They walk through the huge garden, getting closer to the banned area, were dangerous creatures lived, well, most of them "so, umm.. I'm son of the leader of dark kingdom? Actually dark cacao kingdom, soon I'll be the king" Dark cacao confess while talking to pure vanilla "Woah!! You're a royal?!" Vanilla said with emotion, he has never talk to a prince or someone close to the royal family cookie "let's say yes... is just because my father is king... so, the kingdom is now named like that because when I get to 18 or 19, my father would crown me as king..." Dark cacao said with a annoying tone "huh? Isn't that good?" Vanilla said with curious "no... is too much responsibility, and... I don't really want to become king... I what to have my own adventures, and explore, and most importantly, to fight against other cookies with my sword, not staying in only one place all day and smile just because people wanted to take pictures in their restaurant or places just to get famous or have more people, is boring" Dark cacao says with angry just to thinking about all those things "I'm nothing like my father" He said on last time giving the chance to pure vanilla so he could talk "you're luck at least.. I don't even know where my parents went, the only thing I know for know that I was raised by cold heart people, it was surprising this academy accepted me, I don't even know who Am I" vanilla said with a sad tone "hey, is fine, you can find it by yourself if you propose to do it, actually- you're too bright, what kingdom are you from? And what do you study here?" Dark cacao asked "oh.. I'm front vanilla kingdom, and I study healing and some other spells " vanilla replied "wait- didn't vanilla kingdom had enough healers? Wasn't that a common job?" Dark cacao asked and pure vanilla deny it "no.. I want to be the greatest healer in my kingdom and others nations! Like, the first ancient! So I could protect everyone and other kingdoms!" Vanilla said with confidence but his face were face the tree "yeah.. sure- amm, my face is behind you, are you blind?" Dark cacao ask with a sarcastic tone "huh? Oh sorry, my eyes sight isn't that good" Vanilla replied "why don't you used glasses? Besides having your eyes half close" Dark cacao says "oh- Is useless if I wear Glasses, 7 healers tried but it was a waste for them, I think no one is able to cure this" Vanilla replied with tiredness "I see, but how do you read books with you eyes like that?" "Uh.. I'm not sure, I sort of having help from one of my teachers" vanilla said "nice I guess" Dark cacao said... everything went quiet and awkward.

They had more than 45 minutes walking and talking about the classes until something happen "W-What was that noise?!" Vanilla said with fear "probably a cotton sheep, this area is full of them I think, but of you want, I can check over there" Dark cacao said and oure vanilla accepted, he went to check behind the tree and there was nothing but animal foot print on the floor "see? Nothing happ-" Dark cacao couldn't finish when a cream cake hound attack him and felt on the ground away "DARK CACAO!!" Vanilla got too scared and freeze " Ah! GIVE ME MY SWORD!! IN THE CASE TO YOUR LEFT!" Dark cacao shout trying to hold the angry animal that was trying to eat his whole face, vanilla immediately react and pass him the sword "THERE!" he yelled with fear, Dark cacao grab and throw the cream cake hound away before he attack again "We have to go! I think we're in the dangerous area" Dark cacao said while carrying pure vanilla as if she were a princess in distress and running away with the one there since there was a whole cream cake hound group following them.

They were close to get out of the area, when one of those cream cake hound bitter and felt with vanilla and,they fell off a cliff to which the two rolled between many sweet stones all the way down, vanilla definitely hit his head with one of those hard sweet stones, but he got up "Dark cacao!!! Oh my witches! Are you ok? What part are you hurt?! " vanilla says trying to see, it was like we only sees the whole place in a hard blurry vision and hard to tell where Dark cacao was, for a moments Dark cacao didn't respond since he was unconsciously in the floor, not only vanilla hit hard, Dark cacao too trying to protect pure vanilla from hitting badly "DARK CACAO-! PLEASE ANSWER ME!" vanilla finally found Dark cacao body, he was crying, after some seconds Dark cacao wake up and started to move "huh? Nill-" he couldn't finish when vanilla hug him while crying, but this time he was glad that he finally respond "Thanks witches for hearing my pray! I thought you were dead... " "Don't worry nil-" dark cacao saw in that forehead of pure vanilla (vanilla) was getting jam (that means it was bleeding) and had some bruises, specially in one of his leng "nilla! You have bruises and jam coming out of your forehead" Dark cacao said while I was taking out a rag, puts it on his forehead to prevent more jam from coming out of his forehead "what about you? You need it more than me" vanilla says "no, we should go by now... is almost night" Dark cacao said, "maybe we could stay in some place, it might be dangerous walk during night..." "you're right nilla... let's look for a place so we could stay" Dark cacao said "about that... I think I dislocated my leg, and besides... I think.... I went blind... I can't see anything...." vanilla said with a sad tone, what he was saying is true, he knew one day, he might going need a magic stuff, just in case he went blind and totally without vision, at the beginning before they felt, after Dark cacao carries him, he suddenly had a dizzy vision and little by little his vision was turning black, until now, it was not blurry any more.... it was dark "WHAT?! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE YOU WENT BLIND?!! You were fine with your vision in this meeting!!" Dark cacao said with shock "hey! I said I had vision problems.... I already knew this would happen... but is fine, let's get a place to stay until tomorrow and.... talk to the teacher" vanilla said trying to standing up while touching the ground trying to find a tree or something to support him until we gets up "wait- and what about your eyes? You went blind just now, and let me help you" dark cacao says and he pick up vanilla and carry him "oh.. some of the healers told me if this happen, it might be permanent, so he offer me magic stuff, so I could see from there" vanilla said "ok nilla... hold tight, I'll look for a place ok? Don't worry" Dark cacao says and started to walk, they had their walking together Until they found a good place to stay for the night.

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