🔆 Time goes fast 🔆

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It's been 11 years since pure vanilla (vanilla) lost his eye sign, which in the beginning was difficult to him to get used to it, but know he could see even without his stuff, how? Because of sounds and touching, like I said, it's been 2 years, White lily continued her research of why and how cookies were made, or even what was their purpose to live, which pure vanilla was kinda uncomfortable, not much because is normal for some cookies to ask the same question, but his best friend lily was special, time and time she became obsessed with this search she was trying to look and getting away from the group, obviously Hollyberry become strong then any cookie in the academy but sadly she when back to her kingdom because of some situation about her people, Golden cheese became the most famous and resistant in her kingdom and academy as well, and like I said before she went back to her kingdom as well, it was just White lily and Pure vanilla since Dark cacao left the academy 2 years ago when they were 16, the only Dark cacao told Pure vanilla in letters it was that he coronation was close, so Vanilla knew that Dark cacao didn't left the academy because of his dad selfishness, it was because he was dead and Dark cacao had to take control over his kingdom, not too soon he find out he was about to marry a woman that the congress choose for him to become his wife, which for some reason when vanilla read that last letter he felt like a hole in his heart and sadness, he didn't know what kind of feelings he was having right the moment he read the letter Dark cacao left, they continue their life, soon white lily was a perfect master of plants.... and vanilla, he continued his studies and healing hard injuries or cursed or even soul stones which no healer cookie could or even impossible things, not soon enough everyone in vanilla cookie was talking about this special healer who traveled around kingdoms and kingdoms special in sweet vanilla kingdom, and the congress heard about that, Pure vanilla level was getting higher in soul stone, and there was a terrible inside about some cooki who attended to open portal to the witches and cookies, that's when this 5 reunited, and fight together.

"WATCH OUT-" Golden cheese push Hollyberry away before she got attacked " damn it... what type of dough this cookie was made of?" Dark cacao says "I don't know, do I look like a witch?" Golden cheese said with sarcasm tone "PURE VANILLA NOO-" white lily scream after attacking, Golden cheese, Dark cacao, Hollyberry turn their heads in the way of the battle was and saw pure vanilla doing a spell "HOLY SHI-" Golden cheese couldn't finish since pure vanilla already defeat the cookie, the 4 got in shock "how- like HOW?" Golden cheese says and fly in direction of pure vanilla " Ayoo- How the f*ck did you do it?! You f*cking wizard-" Golden cheese said "Hey! Don't curse! We have kids around wait to defeat this cookie- that actually.... pure vanilla did?" Hollyberry said but happy and confused at the same time "yeah... I thought you only went to the academy to just become a normal healer, I guess I was wrong, or whatever thing" Dark  cacao said "actually I was until my soul stone change into.. some else then just common- well that's not the point, Lily! Come on" pure vanilla says with a sweet smile, white lily didn't respond this time "lily? White lil-" Pure had to go down on the cliff he made with his spell and saw a portal to the witches place and white lily standing there, Pure vanilla was looking at ther with fear "Thanks Vanilla... Now I have to find my answer" White lily said walk through there "WHITE LILY NO!! PLEASE NO!! I BEGGING YOU! DON'T GO OVER THERE!!" Pure vanilla scream almost crying, when white lily put a spell that grabs Pure vanilla legs and arms " I'm so sorry Pure vanilla but this is my chances to get all of my answers, I need to go there" White lily said almost going to the portal "Please!!! Don't go... I'm begging you.... I'm sorry if I didn't help you... but we don't need to have does answer... remember what happen to blueberry academy" pure vanilla said, white lily had to stop before going through the portal, she turns around and look at Pure vanilla, she never saw him with tears, she stopped the spell and the portal close ".... I won't go..." Finally White lily replied, and hug Pure vanilla "I'm so sorry vanilla..." "Don't worry, please don't do it, is for your own good, we don't know how dangerous might be to go to the holy witches place, Don't do it..." he accept the hug.

After that is been for now 4 years after that and Pure vanilla coronation was close to be first ancient in his kingdom with the other 4, Not even Vanilla knew how did he get in this high position but he knew that he finally made it until now, as a best healer in kingdoms, and the time goes fast for him, like yesterday he was a dreaming boy and now an ancient and to have a responsibility to have its own kingdom, he made more than just some imposible to be posible.

(Sorry- but I'll take some time if this didn't make any sense I sorry ;-; I'll try to put the next chapter Maybe today or tomorrow, hope you guys enjoy it)

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