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a/n: i was working on this during my disappearance era and accidentally deleted it all somehow while i was editing and had to rewrite it. sorry it took so long!

Sirius yawned, head rested on his hand as he stared at the plate in front of him, which James was sat on the other side of. James poked Sirius, to see if he was awake, and got slapped on the cheek. It took him a moment to process Sirius had done that so in retaliation he kicked his knee. Sirius stood up, glaring at the taller boy, James taking this as a sign to do the same.

"Want to go toe-to-toe with me, pretty boy?"

"You think I'm pretty!" James squealed as he stood up, smile plastered across his face as Remus face palmed.

"Of course I do, baby boy," Sirius said in a deeper voice and made a suggestive face.

James gasped and stepped closer to him and they started making weird noises and stuck their tongues out, doing all the movements you would do when making out with someone. Remus' gaze did not once leave Sirius. It may have looked like he was judging him but he was actually thinking more deeply about his relationship with him. Regulus had just walked in to eat but walked out immediately after seeing what everyone else was looking at.

"Potter, Black, if you are done proclaiming your love for one another I would be grateful if you sat yourselves down," McGonagall's stern voice rang through the room, making the rest of the hall laugh as the two bowed and sat down.


Remus rubbed his own face in frustration, trying to get his eyes to focus on the words in his book. It was nearly three in the morning, the day before a full moon, and he hadn't slept at all for nearly an entire week. He was trying to distract himself from how he was feeling mentally and physically by sitting in the common room but it didn't do anything to make him feel better. He couldn't read in his room though because the light would keep the others awake.

The fire was lit but he was still cold, shivering slightly as he shut the book, thumb on the page he was reading so he won't lose the spot, and rubbed his eyes harder. He jumped slightly when a red blanket was draped over his shoulders and the sofa dipped next to him. His head turned quickly to see Sirius, making him sigh in relief - though he did turn bright red when he realised the said boy was only in a pair of shorts.

"Eat this, Rem," James said with a yawn, seemingly to appear out of nowhere, and handed him a half eaten chocolate bar.

"But someone started eating it, I can't just take it," he said quietly as he looked at the food item in his hand.

"It's mine, you can have it," Peter spoke quietly as he finished walking down the stairs and took the book, handing it to Zac - who was not too far behind him.

"Thank you, Pete," Remus said, mouth watering slightly as he continued to stare at it.

Sirius nudged him gently as a sign for him to eat it, so he did while everyone else were getting themselves comfortable. Zac sat in an armchair cross legged with a golden yellow blanket over his lap, having the lamp placed on the table next to him so he could see the pages. James and Peter sat either side of him on the floor, like small children waiting for someone to read to them. Sirius adjusted the blanket on Remus so it covered them both and put an arm around his shoulders. Remus smiled contently and placed his head on Sirius' chest.

"You guys are the best," he said in barely more than a whisper, feeling the warmth and tiredness make him sleepy.

"We know, now shut up. Zac is trying to read to us," James said, acting unbothered.

On the inside, however, he was the happiest he had been all day knowing that he was appreciated greatly by someone he loved like a brother.

"Yeah.. Zac's trying to read," Peter said as he crawled over to James slowly, putting his head in his lap and falling asleep almost immediately.

The Black BrothersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang