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"This match against Slytherin is going to be the easiest one yet!" James called loudly in the common room after hearing news of the new Slytherin Seeker.

"Why?" Sirius asked as he adjusted his shirt, walking into the room.

Remus, the commentator, dropped his smile when he saw the state Sirius was in and pursed his lips. His hair was messy, his lips were puffy and his clothes were askew. This meant he had sex again.

Remus was confident in his sexuality and knew from a young age that he was bisexual. By their second year, he realised that he had a massive crush on none other than Sirius Black. He hadn't managed to get over him even after all these years; so yes, it did hurt when he started hooking up with random girls. But it's not like they were dating so his jealousy was unjustifiable.

James nudged Remus as a wake up to snap him out of his own thoughts. He knew exactly how he felt so he was trying to keep him away from those thoughts.

"Rem, you tell him."

"Oh.. We aren't entirely sure who this new seeker is... but news got out that he can barely hold onto his broom. My guess is he's from some rich family that bought him in."

"That's great news! It'll be easier to drag them through the mud than usual! Not that we needed this because we are the best damn Quidditch team ever!"

The entire common room erupted in cheers of agreement as the team beamed and huddled together, discussing when it would be best to next practice. They finally agreed on the following day after lunch so they didn't have to get up early.


"Oh, Merlin.."

The entire Gryfindor team stood in shock as they watched Regulus Black emerge from the Slytherin tent.

"There's no way he made the team.."

"It's because he's small and less likely to get hit. But we'll change that. He'll be all bloodied
up when we're done," the second beater said confidently, a chaser or two agreeing.

Sirius grabbed his robes to bring him to his level.

"Like hell you will! If a single one of you hurts my brother on purpose I'll personally make sure you land your asses in the infirmary! Are we clear?"

Everyone looked at Sirius in shock.

"But he's a Slytherin!" the keeper spoke up.

"I do not give a single shit. He's my little brother. He really shouldn't be in Slytherin! Lay a single finger on him and I'll rip it off and shove it up your own ass, got it?"

"But look at him, he's thriving in Slytherin. I bet he's a Death Eater or will be. Like you were meant to be."

"Don't go there. I will hurt you," he said menacingly as he shoved the beater to the floor.

"You'll get detention if you do."

"Oh, what's that?" Sirius said, looking up at the sky. "Is that the fuck I'm meant to give?"

The team went into silence until they were announced. They mounted their brooms and got into their positions and once the whistle blew, the game started.


The game had been happening for a good hour and there was still no sight of the snitch.

"Do you think it fucked off into the school?" James asked for small talk with Regulus.

"Don't try to talk to me."

"Hey, at least you answered," James smirked, feeling proud of himself.

"Go fuck yourself, Potter."

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