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"I've done research," Sirius announced to his small group, namely Peter and James.

"You read?" James said with an almost proud look.

"Oh, shut up. It's to help Remus. But he can't know we're doing this or he'll nag and protest to no ends."

"Where is he anyway?"

"I got Zac to convince him to try to bake."

"Ooh, they better save me some. I love Remus' cooking," Peter said, practically dribbling over the thought of cookies freshly baked by Remus and Zac.

"Yeah, whatever. Anyway.. You know how Minnie, our all time favourite teacher, is an am- ami- a- anus- no, that's not how you pronounce it.." Sirius spoke, struggling to pronounce a word he just spent days researching and whispering to himself.

"Animagus?" James tried, attempting to stay on his good side after the whole Regulus situation as he didn't exactly help himself in the detention they received.

"Yes, that. Well.. I know how we can become one as well. The only issue is the process will take about a month."

"And not to mention, illegal," Peter pointed out.

"Pete, no offense, but we don't exactly give a shit about legalness. We're trying to help Rem," James said as he nodded to the book. "Are you in or what?"

He sighed, "I'm in."

"We should start tonight when Remus goes to sleep," Sirius stated as he opened the book he strained his eyes over. "Next week is a full moon. That means we'll have to do what we usually do this time but next full moon.. we'll be ready to help properly."

James smiled and nodded, pulling a parchment out of his pocket.

"Put that away. We can't finish it without Remus," Peter said worriedly as he snatched it out his hands.

"I know.. I'm just excited. It's not every day four genius fifth years make maps like this."

"He has a point," Sirius spoke as he continued to read. "Except we've been working on it since last year and it's nearly Christmas... again."

"We can stay here this year if you want, Sirius," James said softly as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm more worried about Regulus."

"You mean the lad that hasn't even bothered trying to talk to you since the Quidditch match?"

"Yes... But in all fairness, he saved me when it should've been the other way around."

"No, he did what any decent human being would do and preventsd his brother from getting hurt. It's not that difficult."

Everyone went quiet for a minute.

"I'm going to go get everything we need for tonight," Sirius muttered as he stood up and walked out.

James and Peter watched him leave.

"We need to do something," Peter mumbled under his breath but so James could hear. "He's hurting."

"Maybe we should talk to Black and get him to talk things out with Sirius."

"That might work.. But should you do it after the Quidditch match?"

"Nope. I'm never going near him again. You do it and I'll ask out Evans."

"Nu-uh. I'm going with you for that. We should get Remus to do it as another distraction."

"That's a brilliant idea, actually," James said with a proud motherly look. "Look at you, growing up and expanding that brain storage."

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