Foreign Feelings (Nico)

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Nico leaned against the wall in a hallway of the Argo II, trying to melt into the shadows without accidentally taking a trip to China. It was after dinner, usually a time for battle strategy. But today after a run in with a hydra of all things, everyone was feeling pretty burned out. Most everyone was talking and laughing; even Leo, who seemed depressed after he returned from his absence, was having fun. But that wasn't really an option for Nico.

For Nico, being on the ship with the Seven was uncomfortable, to say the least. Everyone had a place there, except him. But that was always the way for a child of Hades. He doubted he could ever be as lucky as Hazel. She deserves to be happy. I don't, he thought with more than a little bit of venom.

"Hey Nico." Nico looked up into a pair of sea green eyes, and scowled, immediately turning his head away. "Percy. What do you want?"

Percy looked a little offended, and immediately Nico wanted to take it back. No! Nico cursed to himself, I hate Percy Jackson. There is no way I'm falling for him again. 'But you already are,' a nagging voice inside his head that sounded a lot like Bianca said.

Nico looked up into Percy's face again, realizing that he was still talking. "I noticed that you left."

"Glad someone did." Nico couldn't help himself. He was bitter.

"We're not your enemy here Nico!" Percy sounded a little hurt. "We're your friends."

"FRIENDS!" Nico was incredulous. "I could never be your friend."

Now Nico could tell Percy was angry. "Why, Nico? Why do you hate me?"

"Hate you?" Nico felt himself bursting into tears, and he angrily wiped his eyes. "Percy...I-I"

"You what, Nico." Percy's eyes flashed and for a moment Nico understood just why even those of the underworld spoke his name with reverence.

Instead of answering, Nico found himself leaning towards Percy, and then he was kissing him. Percy froze, his eyes as wide as dinner plates and full of shock. Nico pulled away, and backed up, his hand out in front of him. By the gods I'm an idiot.

"You-you..." Percy stuttered out.

But Nico was already gone, melting into the shadows.

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