(Chapter-16) The marriage!

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1 year later

Norah's pov

It has been almost one year since Danny proposed me for marriage. This one year had been quite busy. I'd finished my clinical internship and started working in a hospital nearby the countryside.

I've found a job here because I wanted to visit my grandma's home and the park nearby, frequently. Everytime I go there, a lot of memories reminisce in my mind.

The starry sky Troy and I once gazed together; the couch in the living room, where Granny and I sat every evening and spent hours chit-chating; the beautiful trees bearing juicy fruits that Granny planted and her lil garden with all kinds of colorful butterflies flying around. All these memories are still so vivid as if it was yesterday! The happy times I had spent here together with Granny and Troy are definitely unforgettable. Never in a lifetime will I forget them. Even though these two gems are not here alive, they are always with me in my heart. I've treasured them quite well.

Our wedding day is nearing. Danny was already working as a freelance photographer. We decided to stay on the countryside as it would be convenient for both of us. Our marriage ceremony is to be held in Danny's in Los Angeles. It is where my parents live too. Speaking of which, I haven't contacted them for more than 4 years. My mom used to send me some letters as I didn't receive her calls but since, I didn't reply the letters too, she stopped writing them. She deserved it.

Danny has been busy with the preparation of our marriage whereas I haven't even got a chance to get my head off work. However, I'll take some days off, so perhaps, I would be able to help her a little.

Danny's pov

I'm so excited with the mere thought that I would be marrying the love of my life. Yes, I want to give her my all. She's so hardworking!
Besides, she always takes out the maximum time she could for me from her hectic schedule. I'm blessed to get such a girl as my girlfriend and now my wife-to-be.

The relationship between Norah and her parents has been awkward these past few years. Although Norah pretends to hate them, yet deep down, she do concern about them. Although indirectly, but she does keeps all of their information updated with the help of some of her friends who live  nearby her parents.

I wanted to do something for their reconciliation; so, I've invited them to the marriage without Norah's knowledge. I can do nothing more but just hope that everything goes well.

Wedding day

Norah's pov

I can't believe today's our wedding day! I never in my life imagined that my future is gonna be this way. The future I imagined a few years ago didn't have Danny, but today, I'm going to be her life partner. Time is really amazing. It has the capacity to change anything.


Danny is looking extremely gorgeous in her white gown. I can't get enough of her gorgeousness. Every jewelry, clothes, decoration, etc. were chosen by her. Her choice is awesome as always.


When I was getting readied in the dressing room, my parents showed up there. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Do they still think of me as their daughter? They are either shameless or someone might have invited them. Thinking of which, is it Danny? How dare she do this without my permission?

"Hey Danny! How could you do this?", I ask.

"Do what?", inquires Danny, confused.

"Why did you call my parents without my permission?"

"Why? It's my wedding too. And I suggest you to clear things up with them. They have been trying constantly to get to you all these years. I hadn't told them anything much about you since I cared about your opinion. But it seems that they have already got how much they deserved and moreover, your mother had a freaking mental illness, if you don't know. It's time, you forgive them."

"I really don't want to have anything to do with them. But about the mental illness, is it really true?", I ask dubiously.

"Yes..Didn't they tell you?", asks Danny.

"No, as far as I remember, they didn't.", I say.

"Look Nory, I know that you love your parents. Even if they ain't apparently there in your heart or even if they ain't in the corner of your heart, they are surely at least At the corner of your heart. You just need to find them.", states Danny.

"Umm..I guess, you're right. I should try to forgive them. Anyways, I was just playing hard to get so that they realize my worth. But if my mom's case was really like what you said, maybe I'd gone a bit too far. Nevermind, I can still make up to that."

"Yes, that's my girl!", says Danny with a chuckle.

As I go near my parents, my dad asks, "Will you give me the honour to walk you down the aisle, Nory?"

I say, "Well, ok dad. I shall let go of my grudges this one time." and let out a welcoming smile to my mom. Maybe she got the hint that I'm forgiving.

Dad walks me down the aisle, teary-eyed. Danny and I exchange wedding vows and then we kiss.
Both of our parents give us blessings.


I won't say this will be the happy ending of our story because I know, we'll face many challenges and difficulties in our future ahead. But I'm ready to face anything that comes in my way. And yeah, I agree -

Some people maynot be in your heart, or even in the corner but maybe at the corner, they're still there?


The end


That's the end ya'll :))

I may modify it later but for now, that's it.

Thank you 😊♡

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