(Chapter-11) Overcoming

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The surrounding went silent. Everyone lost their ability to speak. Norah slumped down the floor in despair. Troy's mother stood still as if she was thunderstruck. Ceaseless tears were flowing down his dad's cheeks but he hid it pretty well. He wanted to give strength to them but perhaps he ownself was broken.
The whole family was striken with grief.

After that incident, Norah's condition worsened. She was left all alone. Troy was the only one left with her and now he's gone too. She locked herself in her house. Troy's dad visited her a couple of times but she didn't even open the door. Being hopeless, he decided to call her parents although he knew it was not a good idea.

Troy's dad's pov

I don't know what to do with this poor child. Noone can understand her condition now. Why should God be this pitiless? As I've known, she's been going through pain ever since her birth and now, this happened. I can never compare my sorrow with her. I'm even unable to handle my own wife and this child's situation is even worse. Even if I can't do anything, God, please keep her alive and safe at least. She really deserves happiness.


Norah's parents arrived as soon as they got the call. They were knocking the door relentlessly but she didn't open.

Her dad shouted, "Nory, my child, please open the door. Please let go of our previous grudges, you need to be safe, Nory.

Her mom cried, "I'm sorry dear, you had to go through this much pain because of me. But know that I didn't want to do this. It was just my condition or rather illness that made me lose my mind. I'm really sorry, Nory. I love you baby, please open the door, don't harm yourself."

Even then Norah didn't open.
Her father then broke though the door and rushed inside. When they went into her room, they found her unconscious. An empty bottle of sleeping tablets was lying near her bed. They hurriedly took her to the hospital and to God's grace, she was safe.

Few hours later, she came back to her senses. Her body was pale. Her parents were calling her, asking her questions but she didn't listen. She was just staring at the ceiling with tears flowing down her dry cheeks. Her chapped lips were trembling and suddenly, she started crying the blues. She was howling, screaming and this perhaps, lightened her chest.

She didn't even shred a tear since the incident. But now, she was unstoppable. Noone stopped her as they knew what she was holding back all these days. She had lost touch with reality and now, she is finally back to her self.

Norah was released from the hospital. Since, she was not in the state of having a conversation or so, her parents let her some time alone.


She was gradually recovering with her parent's  support this time. Her parents were trying their best to make up to her but yes, that was not enough.

Norah didn't even want to see their faces and so, not to make things difficult, her parents decided to help her from afar. They stayed in another house and sent her meals and kept a caretaker for her. At first, they thought of keeping a therapist too but Norah refused. She was trying to recover by herself.


"So, in the end, you left me. You didn't keep your promise. Just like all my loved ones did, you left me too, to be all by myself. I can't carry on without you and you know it pretty well, right? Even if I'm surrounded by a lot of people, I'm lonely. How could you think that I would be happy without you?

No..no, Norah, you can't be like this. You can't be this weak. You have to be strong, at least for Troy. He wouldn't want you to be in this state. It was not his fault that he left you. Everyone has their time and you must accept it. Get yourself together, Norah."
- Norah self-reflected.

She then went to the park. The gentle breeze that passed through brought the scent of Troy along with it. "Maybe he's coming to accompany me", she thought.

Norah's pov

Reminiscing all the happy memories I had with Troy, I was walking over the grasses of the park; the grass, where we once sat over together and talked for long hours. The grass, where we lied together and watched the starry sky.

While I was sitting over the grass alone, the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson in Lines from Maund struck my mind -

Oh! That 'twere possible,
After a long grief and pain,
To find the arms of my true love
Round me once again!
A shadow flits before me-
Not thou, but like to thee.
Ah God! That it were possible
For one short hour to see
The souls were loved, that they might tell us
What and where they be.


I could feel Troy's presence everytime I come to this park. He's always with me, in my happiest of memories. Whenever I feel low, I come here. Although he isn't here physically,  his memories never fails to cheer me up and give me strength to move on.

There's only one thing I miss so bad - His warm hug. The warm hug that was enough to vanish all my worries. The comfortable arms that once hold me tight were no more.

I miss you Troy but don't worry, I'll try my best to be happy and I'll definitely bring my dream into reality. I'll do it for you.

"Perhaps some day the sun will shine again,
And I shall see that still the skies are blue,
And feel one more I do not live in vain,
Although bereft of you.

Perhaps the golden meadows at my feet,
Will make the sunny hours of spring seem gay,
And I shall find the white May-blossoms sweet,
Though You have passed away.

Perhaps the summer woods will shimmer bright,
And crimson roses once again be fair,
And autumn harvest fields a rich delight,
Although You are not there.

But though kind Time may many joys renew,
There is one greatest joy I shall not know
Again, because my heart for loss of You
Was broken, long ago.” - Verra Brittain

My mind is crooning this poem.


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