(Chapter-15) Trust

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Norah's pov

Two roommates.. dating each other is technically a live in relationship. I never thought that I would ever be able to move on but honestly, it wasn't that hard. It may have been different if the person was someone other than Danny but since it's Danny, yeah it's possible.

Danny's probably the most perfect person I've ever seen. She never accepts defeat in anything. She keeps doing her best in the things she like even if she fails. She's someone to get inspired of. Previously, Troy inspired me but Danny inspires me even more. Well, I shouldn't be comparing Danny with Troy even so, Troy was my first love, right? Whatever, my love for them is incomparable. Troy and Danny have their own separate places in my heart.


Our relationship is so sweet. Danny takes care of me like my mom should've. She made me realize that there are many different forms of love. Sometimes I think if my parents love me too but recalling the past memories, it's rather impossible.

The only problem was that Danny didn't come out to her parents yet. Since, our relationship was quite strong by then, so, yesterday she decided
to tell her mom. Her parents didn't have much problems in accepting her identity. They already knew her daughter more than she herself did.
I wish I had such parents too. Nonetheless, I've got Danny. She's everything to me.

Everything was going so fine but as I said earlier- God has something against me.

He had to bring another turn to my sweet life.


Today morning, Danny and I decided to make our relationship public provided, her parents had already accepted us. We'd changed our relationship status on social media and planned to go on a date in the afternoon.

When, in the afternoon, we were in the Cafe, a tall tomboyish girl entered into the Cafe with such a fury as if someone had put pineapple in her pizza(lol). She then rushed to Danny and slapped her right cheek with all her force. Everyone in the Cafe went silent and began to surround the two lasses who were about to kill each other. I tried to stop Danny from fighting but she pushed me aside and slapped the girl back and said, "Get out of here. Don't dare think of ruining my peace again. I've had enough of you."

"Ok well..but first I need an explanation. Why did you reject me by lying that you don't like girl? Now what is this? She's a girl too, right?", she snuffled.

This time Danny's angry expression calmed a bit as she said, "I didn't lie. I didn't love girls then. Actually, I didn't love anyone then. It's only Norah that I love. Also, me loving girls doesn't mean I can love any girl. It needs emotional connection."

"Oh! Then why did you sleep with me?", she shouted, loud enough for everyone in the Cafe to hear.

Danny didn't speak a word in reply.

My eyes widened with shock.

Danny slept with other girls as well! But she said that I was her first. Does it mean that what she said to me is a lie as well? Did she even mean it when she said she loved me? And what about that night? Was it all a lie?
All those thoughts were just blurting in my mind. In actual, my voice was deemed mute. I wanted to believe Danny, more than a stranger. Although I questioned the truthfulness of the words, yet I wanted to trust Danny until,....the tall girl showed me a video.

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