(Chapter-3) Starting all over again

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Norah's pov

A few hours later, we were flying over Belgium and after a while, the plane landed on the beautiful city, Brussels.

Just after a few steps outta the plane, I could feel the soothing breeze past my hair as if this city's welcoming me...to make a fresh start.

And just right after, my Grandma patted my head and quoted one of Buddha's famous quote,"No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again."

Well, this is literally what a well wisher would generally say given the fact that I was in a sense, abandoned by my parents or rather I abandoned them XD

The kinda situation I faced these whole 3 years was enough to affect my mental health. I was surely strong enough that I didn't go crazy ^w^
So, like everyone else thinks, I should really try to make a new beginning and focus on myself and my dreams.

But,...yes there's a but:(
It's not gonna be easy to go back to the girl I was 3 years ago.
This girl now has developed a lot of phobias (for obvious reasons). She's a lot weaker than her previous self. She fears of being heartbroken, of losing her loved one( provided, the only loved one she has now is her grandmother). Moreover, she fears of falling in love too. Yeah, I don't wanna end up like my parents.

So here I'm, standing confused, hoping to find a path that would lead my way 'cause I no longer can lead myself.

I'm lost.


Granny and I took a cab after coming out of the airport, heading towards her house in the beautiful outskirts of Brussels.
Grandma never liked the chaos and busy life of the city

Not a single thing has changed over the past 3 years while I was away (or what could we expect in just 3 years). It was the same beautiful house, painted green and yellow that easily blended with the nature. The few trees beside the house were bearing juicy fruits and the little garden of hers was filled with colorful flowers needless to mention the beautiful butterflies flying around them.
Overall,this was such an aesthetic view!


The darkness was beginning to veil the red sky.
I was lying on the bed after unpacking my belongings. As it was an exhausting day, I was hoping to get a good night's sleep even though I clearly knew the fact that the endless thoughts running through my mind won't let me.

God, please help me.

Whatever, Good night =)
Tomorrow will be a new beginning...maybe.


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