(Chapter-4) New day, new beginning

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"Good morning Granny", Norah greeted her grandma with a kiss on her cheeks while being seated on the couch of the living room.

Her grandma was drowning her head in the newspaper but just as Norah kissed her, she too responded with a kiss and nagged,
"Why were you sleeping till late Nory?
Did you forget that today is your first day of high school?".

"Oh shit!", Norah exclaimed as she realized the time.
It was 9:30 a.m already and her school was a about to start at 10:30 a.m. She had just 30 minutes left in her hand excluding the 30 minutes it would probably take on her way to school.
Norah panicked and rushed her way to the bathroom just to fall flat on her ass as a result of slipping on the slimmy floor and thus, let out a yell, "UGH!"

"Damn! Holy fuck! Jesus! It's the first day of high school and the morning itself started this way. There's something bad coming up for sure. Shall I just skip school? Come up with an excuse Nory!", she muttered to herself.

Then she shouted her throat out, "Aahhh my leg!! Granny, please can I just skip school for today? Ugh! It's fucking painful."

Her grandma rushed to her and checked up her leg and let out an evil grin on her face, "What a lame excuse honey, there isn't even a little scratch. Now just get up quickly and hurry."

Norah protested, "No Granny, my fucking as...leg is broken into fucking pieces and I can't even stand on my feet. How am I supposed to go to school?"

"You are really a spoiled kid behaving like a toddler right now. I can't imagine how you had survived these 3 years there. And oh.. you have learned quite beautiful words while you were away, don't you?", Grandma teased. "Also, if your condition is really that bad then I'm gonna call our family doctor to perform some sort of surgery on your leg", she added sarcastically.

"OK ok, I surrender", Norah frowned and got up off the floor to prep for school while grandma went to prepare breakfast.


"I really have a gut feeling that something's gonna get wrong.
Ugh, whatever, wish me luck God.", Norah mumbled to herself as she stepped out her right foot first while going out of the house.(Because someone told her that it brought good luck. Quite superstitious... ik:) )


"Whoa! This school is really big!", Norah exclaimed as she stood in front of their school's entrance door.
"Hope it goes well."

Norah's pov

Well, nothing went well.
On my way to my assigned classroom, a holy fucking asshole pushed his way to the classroom like someone's set his butt on fire, just to trip on his leg and fall over me and here again, I fell flat on my ass and this time, adding a heavy 1000 kg bullock over me.

God has something against me for sure:(

I then stood up on my feet and being confused who the bloody dickhead was he, I turned his head which was busy finding any dirt that may have stuck on his outfit, nobbut to see a familiar face.
Upon recognizing him, a hundred thousand volts of.........not current but angerness ran through my spine..or nerves, whatever. He was the last person I wanted to see in high school and now, we're even assigned in the same classroom and also, he's the first student I've encountered so far today and that too in this special way.

Wow great!

What an amazing day! Ain't it? -_-

New day, new beginning ×_×
Holy fuck


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