Chapter 23: What's up

Start from the beginning

Daphne held her head in her hands. She sits down. Her jaw's on the floor. She was shaken with the shock.

"And he kissed you?" - She wondered, looking doubtfully at me.

"Yes! Do you really think I'd EVER have the courage to kiss him?! Have you seen him? Have you seen me? Thanks, but I value my life!" - I answered very sarcastically.

"I see your point!" - She agreed. After a pause to recollect herself, she opens a giant smile.

"And how was it? I mean, the kiss?" - She asked, cheerfully.

"Oh bitch, it was wonderful! It was almost as If I'd never been kissed before him. Seriously!" - I swooned.

And if I'm honest, that's basically the most accurate description. He kisses me like I've never been kissed before, or will I ever be kissed by other again! It's dreamy!

"Great! I'm really happy for you, Felix, I am! It's just..." - She started then she paused, looking worried at me.

"It's just what?" - I replied, also worried by her tone.

"It's just that Nate told me that Daniel is about to find his..." - Brief pause. - "Special girl!" - She explained, sounding defeated.

"And I don't want you to get caught in between them, you know?" - She told me in a saddened, worried tone.

"That's okay, sis. Dan explained it to me. There is no special girl! Nate only said that because he didn't know any better or he couldn't tell you the truth!" - I explained, attempting to reassure her.

At this, she turned to me shocked and asked:

"And what is the truth?" - Her face was so gobsmacked, she was wide-eyed.

"The truth is that he was ashamed to admit that I was his..."

"What?!" - She interrupted me, yelling. She stood up, suddenly. She was shook. Her jaw was on the floor (again).

"What happened, Daph?" - I asked, looking worriedly at her.

"Felix, tell me his exact words!" - She demanded, nervously.

"Well, I don't know if I can remember his exact words..."

"Felix, this is important!" - She yelled, interrupting me.

"OK! Gee! He said something like: I was his partner. And that if I didn't want to be with him, he couldn't be with anyone else! Which I thought it was a little dramatic, even for my taste..." - I told her and she interrupts me once more.

"Oh My God!" - She stood up, gobsmacked. She managed to look even more shocked than before.

"What, sis?" - I inquired, startled by her shout. And very curious.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" - She started pacing in the room, hands in her face, gobsmacked.

"What, Daphne, you're scaring me?!" - I yelled at her.

"I can't believe this! No wonder Nate didn't tell me about it! Oh my God! This is huge!" - She was rambling. I kept staring at her in disbelief. What the fuck she was going on about?!

"I can't believe my little brother is Daniel's..." - She started but stopped herself, staring at me.

"Daniel's what?" - I asked her quizzically, ignoring the little brother part, especially since we're twins.

"Daniel's mate!" - She finally said it. And I had no idea what she meant by that. But unfortunately she told me that's something only he could explain it to me. Bitch!

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