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The next day when I got to the hospital all exhausted cause I couldn't sleep the entire night due to what I saw the previous day,one of my colleagues came into my office and informed me that she saw Grayson entering a hotel along with another woman whom I'm assuming to be Xena.

"Are you sure it was him?Did you see his face?"

"No.I only saw his back but judging by that I can tell it's him.However,I might be mistaken so you need to clarify this matter"


Hearing this only made my heart break but there's also the possibility that all this is a misunderstanding.After all,my colleagues couldn't prove that it was really Grayson and last night I also only saw the man's back.I really need to speak to Grayson before I feel at ease.

I picked up my phone to Grayson but just then Xena walked into my office with a brilliant smile plastered on her face.She seemed quite full of energy and seemed to be beaming with joy.

"Mila dear,Grayson and I got back together last night.He said he'd settle things with you and the kid then marry me.If you don't want to be hurt too bed then I suggest you retreat on your own" Xena said this handing me a picture of the back of a sleeping man that looks like Grayson.I looled at the picture and looked back at Xena while suppressing my anger.

"I don't have time for your games Miss Xena.If you're not here to get yourself treated then please.....don't let the door hit you on the way out"

"Why are you still being so stubborn?Are you waiting for Grayson to end things with you?Believe me,he will soon"

"Miss Xena,what do you take me for?A fool?I don't believe any of this nonsense you're blabbering"

"Grayson and I have been together for three years Mila.Three years.Do you think things between can end so easily"

"Miss Xena,do you wish to go to jail?Grayson is my husband and I can sue you for trying to ruin a military marriage,you know that right?And also,if Grayson wishes to leave me then let him come to me himself and ask for a divorce"

Looking at Xena's expression after hearing my words I could tell she was shocked.

"Miss Xena,why are you in such a hurry?Ones Grayson returns I'll naturally come to know whether all you've said just now is true or not so why worry?Please leave my office.I have work to do"

"You...I don't believe you.Why would Grayson marry you?You two don't love each other"

"Says who?After pretending to be me for three years didn't you understand how much Grayson loves me?He thought you were me"


"The truth remains the truth whether you believe it or not"

"Even if you're right you can't deny the fact that Grayson still has some feelings for me"

"That's what you think.Now if you'll excuse me,I have better things to do"

We that said I walked out of the room leaving the angry looking Xena to sulk on her own.That woman reslly is just too shameless.I'm even starting to think the word shameless is understatement when it comes to her.

She is also much too stupid to think I'd fall for her little trick.Even if all she said was true I wouldn't have just left Grayson without getting an explanation from him.

Even though I trust Grayson enough not to believe Xena's words,I can't helo but feel stressed.What kind of annoying woman did he get involved with?I'm tired of all her annoying drama.I would definitely give Grayson the silent treatment for a few days cause he is the reason why I'm in this mess.

[Few days later]

Liam was still staying at the Cooper mansion cause they just couldn't part with him so today I returned home alittle late without worry cause I went shopping for some foodstuff when I discovered Grayson in the house.He had returned.

Although I was happy to see him again I was still mad at him so I ignoted him and went to the kitchen to make some dinner.Just then Grayson hugged me from behind but I struggled out of his embrace.

"I saw you walk away with Xena few days ago and on the same day you were also seen going to a hotel with her.What do you have to say for yourself"

"What?Me?Xena?Hotel?How?Over the past few days I went on a special mission and the entire force knows about it.I'm innocent"


" *sigh* I'm sorry Mila.I made your life go from simple to dramatic.It's all my fault"

"I'm not blaming you for anything Gray"I replied with a hug before adding,"I'm just alittle mad at you.But I'm also happy you cane back safe and sound so I'm not mad anymore"

"Ohk wifey" Grayson saud as he landed a kiss on my cheek

"Xena's family is hitting rock bottom these days.Do you have a hand in this?"

"Karma just caught up with Xena's dad.He is not an honest man"

"Xena would definitely come asking you for help"

"I won't help her.When sge was busy bullying my little wife I bet she never imagined I'd strike back"

"Mmm.But what are you gonna do with Xena?She keeps clinging to me and no matter what I say she thinks I'm lying"

"We'll go see her together and settle everything"

"Ohk.That's reasonable"

The moment these words left my mouth,Grayson carried me in his arms and began heading towards the bedroom.Why is he so impatient?Gosh!!

"Hey!At least let's have dinner first"

"Wifey,I've missed too much to waste anymore time.Besides,you're my new favourite food"


"Shhh" he shushed me as he placed me on the bed when we entered the bedroom and began unbuttoning his shirt.His alluring manly chest soon came into view and I couldn't help but admire his packs.

He then leaned down and captured my lips in a hot passionate kiss which ends up making me wet down there.Then before I knew it he got rid of both clothes and position his already fully erected manhood which looks bigger in size to me,at my entrance.

"I'll make it quick" he whispered into my ears before landing a kiss on my neck and burrying his face there before thrusting his entire rod in.

I have no idea what quick means in Grayson's dictionary but we didn't leave the bedroom till almost half an hour.And that too because my stomach announced it was hungry.

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