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It has been away for eight days now and I heard she was released from her house arrest at the base after promising the chief not to do anything to ruin the image of the military again.But I have a feeling Xena won't back down so easily.She's quite a determined woman.

Grayson on the other hand as been texting and calling me every now and then to check up on things and to also update me on his status there at the special forces base which as he claims is made up of only men  but we don't really get to interact much before I have to rush out of my office to perform my duties.

After work I was rushing out of the hospital to go home to my son when Xena comes in front of me dressed in a green dress with her hair tied up in a neat ponytail,asking to have a chat with me.I agreed and took her to a coffee shop near by so we could talk.I'm actually not so surprised by the calm act she's putting on now.

"What do you wanna talk about Xena?I have to hurry home to my son"

"I know Grayson is only with you because of your son.I believe he still loves me so I'm here to beg you to let him go.I'll even adopt your son if need be and threat him as my own"

"You should be having this discussion with Grayson,not me.And also,I can't hand him over to you like he is some kinda item that can be thrown around.Grayson is the final decision maker in this matter and as far as our son is concerned,I can take care of him so he doesn't need a stepmom"


"It seems you don't get why Grayson broke up with you.It wasn't Liam or me that came between the two of you.He ended things cause of all the lies you told him for the past three years.If you were in his shoes and someone made a fool out of you for so long how would you feel?You didn't think he was cheating on you with me did you?"

"I did it cause I loved him alot" Xena said before bursting into tears,acting all pitiful and stuff.Honestly,I don't feel pity for her at all cause she showed me how shameless she could actually be.

"I don't think you love Grayson at all.The person you love is yourself or else you wouldn't lie to him for such a long time"

"No,I do love him.Give him back to me.Please"

"I'm not forcing Grayson to stay with me.He is a free man and can make his own decisions.If he wants to leave I won't hold him back so I don't see the point of us discussing this.I'll take my leave"

And with that,I ended the conversation with Xena and left the shop.I got into the car Grayson bought for me and drove home to take care of Liam so the nanny can also go to her apartment and rest.While I was bathing little Liam after dinner,he kept calling out to his father and my heart couldn't help but smile.It seems Liam and Grayson had gotten quite close and it makes me very happy to know that the father and son were getting along.

Grayson's P.O.V

I don't know why but I was missing both Mila and Liam a littke too much today so I decided to return home tonight.The moment I arrived I immediately carried Liam in my arms and showered his littke cute face with kisses,making him giggle with joy.Who knew being a father would be so nice?I can't help but admire how cute little Li is.

"Your skin looks alittle more tan than before" Mila commented with a bright smile on her pretty little face.God,I missed her.I know we haven't been together for long but I can't help but feel naturally close to her.After all,she is the one I fell inlove with at first sex.

"Training has been a little rough.I only have a few hours before I return to the base tomorrow at 4am.I missed you and our son"

"Mmm.Xena came looking for me today.She begged me to let you go"

"I chose to stay with you and our son so I don't see the point in she coming to beg you"

"That's what I told her"

"Forget that.I don't wanna spend my limited time talking about someone unimportant to me.I'm hungry.Can you please get me something to eat?"


Mila went to get me some food while I helped Liam complete his bath.I also took that opportunity to take my bath as well before going downstairs to eat.Mila offered to hold Liam while I eat but I just couldn't bare to separate from the cute little guy.

After dinner I still wasn't willing to part with him even though it was getting late so Mila told me to come sleep in the master bedroom along with her so I could look at Liam all I want.I couldn't believe my ears.She wanted us to sleep together?That's progress right?

But wait.Would I have to sleep on the sofa?I really don't wanna sleep on the sofa.I asked Mila if we could sleep on the same bed and surprisingly she agreed.

After we went to the bedroom,I began coaxing Liam to sleep while Mila went to take her bath.Liam soon fell asleep after a while and I slept on my side of the bed watching the little guy when Mila stepped out of the bathroom in a blue knee high nightgown and walked over to her dressing table to apply some lotion.

She placed her leg on the chair and her gown raised up a little revealing her beautiful porcelain skin toned leg and damn!!I totally underestimated her body.She is so damn sexy I feel my little man down there tryna give a standing ovation.

I immediately turned my eyes away from her but that only made it worse cause my mind began replaying our passionate workout that night three years ago.Gosh,this is gonna be a very long night.

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