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Mila's P.O.V

After the dinner Grayson offered to take me home and I couldn't refuse.The ride was silent at first but then Grayson decided to break the ice and speak.

"I know you're still bothered by the whole Xena situation and I get it.You might want nothing to do with me or my family and I get that too but I know deep down you want a family of your own.I can't promise to love you but I can promise to be an ideal husband for you if you choose to marry me.Liam needs a mother and I need a wife so can you consider giving me your heart?"

After hearing Grayson's words my heart began beaming with joy.I always thought I must have ruined Grayson's perfect life cause I couldn't have an abortion or take contraceptives but who would gave thought he wouldn't blame me for anything?Who would have guessed he'd even ask me to hand over my heart to him?This...this is like a dream come true.

But I can't help but feel scared.What if I open up to him and end up getting hurt in the end.I don't think my body can handle anymore emotional stres or pain.I don't wanna make the wrong decision and get hurt in the end.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when we reach my apartment and Grayson asks me to consider his proposal.I nodded my head then got out of the car and ito y apartmet after wishing Grayson a good night.

Grayson's P.O.V

I was driving home after dropping Mila off when one of my friends gave me a call to ask if I visited the hospital and got back together with Xena.Apparently someone must have saw me at the hospital and misunderstood my intentions for going there amd when this news reached Xena she thought I came to see her and we'd get back together.Oh my God.Another stupid misunderstanding.

"What are you going to do now Gray?If you want to move on with Mila then you can't let things with Xena go on like this"

"I'll apply for a transfer immediately.I'm sick and tired of all this drama"

"I think that's a good idea but what about Mila?Will you make her transfer too?"

"I'll think of that after taking care of my issues with Xena"

"Ohk bro.Good luck"

I hanged up the phone and went home.It seems I have to transfer earlier than I planned but I expected this to happen sooner or later so the next day I called my chief and asked for a transfer.Chief didn't really want to loose me but after explaining everything to him he decided to grant my request and recommend me to his friend at the special forces unit.

When I told my family about my plans to transfer they were all very supportive.They understand that only by distancing myself from Xena can she get the memo and stop shamelessly clinging to me after all she did.

I then began looking for sn apartment near the special forces base so I can move in with Liam and Mila after convincing her to move in with me.This way I can take care of her and our son.She'd also feel comfortable since she's not used to being around my family.

I quickly found a house and bought it then hired a trustworthy nanny before speaking to Mila about it.She couldn't protest cause I know she wants to take care of Liam herself but was too busy and that's where the nanny comes in.

Now her apartment was too small for even her and Liam alone to stay so that's when the house I bought for us near the special forces base came in.Mila refused to take a transfer from the hospital though but I don't plan on forcing her to do anything she doesn't want.

I got accepted into the special forces which is hard to join,after some examinations due to my chief's recommendation.I then decided to help Mila move into the apartment along with Liam and I.I also told her that if she doesn't want me around much I can stay at the base often and she surprisingly doesn't agree to it after some hesitation.I take that as progress.

Mila's P.O.V

Over the past few days alot has happened and Grayson's failed relationship with Xena is the literally the topic of day everyday at the hospital since Xena had been coming for therapy resently.

I rushed home early today cause Grayson was coming to help me move to our new house and by the time I get to the apartment he was already waiting by his car.We walked into the room and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow after seeing the boxes of stuff I packed.

"You don't need all these Mila.We have everything over at the house already"

"I just didn't wanna waste them"

"You look too plain.From now on you'll focus on taking goid care of yourself abd as for Liam we'll take care of him together" he said this before walking to the boxes and taking a few things.He then went on to say,"I'll take a few things Liam might need and as for your stuff,we'll buy new ones"


"It's settled"

I sighed and we left for the new house.To my surprise it wasn't a big luxurious mansion or anything I expected but a simple yet elegant and classy house.It made feel comfortable and also made my heart melt cause I can tell Grayson bought this house while putting my feeling into consideration.

He then showed me around the house before we had dinner which I made and went to bed.Grayson slept on the bed-like sofa in the bedroom while I slept on the bed.Of course we can't sleep on the same bed.That would be totally awkward even though we already have a son together.

Grayson said he'd bring Liam over to the house the next day so by the time I return home from work the next day little Li would be around.

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