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Mila's P.O.V

I arrived at work a little late cause I'm still a little sore down there even though my body doesn't hurt so much anymore.I got the contraceptive pills but just as I was about to take them I remembered something very important.I can't take contraceptive pills cause my health.This is one of the disadvantages of being born with such weak health.

I guess I'm just gonna have to keep the baby if I do get pregnant.Thats it.I'm never gonna even stand the chance of being able to date anyone till I die.After all who would want a single mother with such a weak system like me?But on the bright side,I'll have the child of the man I love to accompany me.Now I really do hope I get pregnant.

{Few months later}

I woke up and began my morning routine when I began feeling nauseous all of a sudden.I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the sink for a few minutes before I felt a bit relieved.Then my head began to spin and it hit me.I having had my period for a while now.Oh God.I might be......

I got ready quickly and rushed to work then got myself checked.Just like I suspected,I'm almost three months pregnant.I'm actually carrying Grayson's baby.I don't even know if I should laugh or cry cause I heard Grayson started dating that lieutenant Xena a few days after he took my virginity and planted his seed in me.

I'm happy cause I'll be the mother of his first child but also sad that he'll never find out and my baby will have to grow up without a father.The way I did.But at least it'll have a mother unlike me.That's right,I grew up without parents.I lived in an orphanage since birth till I got into medical school on a scholarship I won with my incredibly good grades.

I have no one in this world to call my own.Not even one single relative cause apparently my entire family was killed by some mafia.Luckily,those evil people were all caught by the military and were dealt with.That's why I chose to be a surgeon and work at a military hospital.It's my way of showing my gratitude.

The hospital director gave me a sick leave until my morning sickness was over and I bought alot of books to read in order to kill boredom.It's quite boring when you stay alone.It can drive you crazy if you don't find anything to do.

Every single night I dream on that one night I spent with Grayson and wake up with a self-mocking smile cause I know deep down that my dream guy will never be mine.But I can't help but wish that one day I'd wake up with him laying by my side as my man.My husband and the father of my baby.

My pregnancy is about six months now and it's getting harder and harder to do stuff all by myself.Giana comes by ones in a while to help me but it still doesn't stop me from wishing Grayson would be there to take care of me.No one knows the father of my child but me and I don't plan on letting anyone know either.

It's what's best for everyone.Grayson is an army general and is expected to have a clean record.I don't wanna ruin his reputation at any cost.But a part of me wishes to just tell him.Tell him that he is going to ne a father.I wonder how he'd react.

Grayson's P.O.V

Dating Xena is not as bad as I expected.We actually have a few things in common and I think I might just fall inlove with her with time cause I'm starting to like her.I still can't stop thinking about her though.Gosh!I miss that feeling like crazy.Xena doesn't let me have sex with her so a kiss is as far as we go.And even so,kissing her doesn't really have that much effect on me like that night.

It's been a few months since that night and today I have this weird feeling that someone somewhere is calling out to me.I've been feeling like this ever since that night.It's like I'm suppose to be somewhere else.Like I'm needed somewhere else and today the feeling is quite strong.So strong my heart is actually aching.

I ignore the strange feeling and heard over to the hospital Xena had been admitted at after she got hurt on our last mission.Upon reaching the hospital I stopped in my tracks when I saw a nurse holding a crying baby in the hallway.The baby is crying so much it breaks my heart and next thing I know I'm standing next to the nurse.

"General Grayson" the nurse greets me in shock before continuing to try coming the baby down but the clearly new born baby refused to cooperate. "Let me help" the words leave my mouth before I can even think it through and the nurse looks at me with confusion written all over her face but still hands the baby over to me.

Surprisingly,the little baby stops crying the moment it hears my voice telling it to calm down.The nurse also seemed shocked by this but also sighs in relief and told me it's a baby born a few minutes ago.The little guy's mother passed out cause her body is a little weaker than other women and she gave birth naturally.

I admire her courage for being strong enough to give birth to her child despite her weak body system.I wanted to see her but tge nurse said no one is allowed into her ward cause it might affect her health.I then asked for the baby's father but the nurse shook her head and said no one knows the father of the child but the woman herself.It's a pity the baby would most likely grow up without a father though.

It's quite well behaved as it sleeps peacefully in my arms.I don't know why but I feel a strong bond with this little guy.It's almost as if he was mine.As if he was my own flesh and blood.But that's just  impossible.I've been living like a monk until that night I had sex with Xena cause I was drunk and even after that I've not had sex with her again or anyone else.So this baby can't be mine but somehow I feel something for this little guy.

I hand the baby back to the nurse after a while and made my way to Xena's hospital room to take her home.

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