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Mila's P.O.V

Taking care of a child is so much harder than I thought.This little guy is nothing but stress but I still love him though and I don't regret having him at all.I named him Liam and he is so cute - short slightly black hair like his father,dark hazel eyes mine,pick lips and flawless smooth soft porcelain skin.He looks excartly like the younger version of his father.

Speaking of his father,he has been dating Xena for a year and a half now but they don't look like their moving forward or back.I wonder what he is waiting for to tie the knot with her.Isn't she his happiness?I really wanna see him happy with a little child tailing behind him but I also wish I could tell him about Liam.Life's just so unfair.

Liam is two years old now and his health is getting worse cause he developed a hemolysis due to the incompatibility of our blood types.Taking care of him is so hard for me cause my health is not that great either so I decided to do something to safe my son.After a few days of thinking long and hard I went to the Cooper mansion one afternoon to meet Grayson's parents cause he was away on a mission.

Mrs Cooper took me to their study to have a conversation with me about the reason why I came to their house with my Liam claiming he was Grayson's child.I took a deep breath and explains everything to her and she's quite an understanding woman.She promised to get to the bottom of the issue so I left Liam with them even though Mrs Cooper asked me to stay behind as well.

I didn't want them to think I was some gold digger who got pregnant for their son after great planning and is now back to live off their money so I left Liam with them.They can take better care of him than me and they also allowed me access to their house so I can visit my baby anytime.

Frankly speaking I miss him already and I hope my decision doesn't hurt Grayson in away.That's the last thing I want cause Grayson is a great guy with a great future.

Grayson's P.O.V

I just returned from a mission when I received a call from my mother asking me to come home immediately.I had to counsel all the plans I made to propose to Xena tonight and rush home.When I arrived,mom,dad and big brother Rowan were all present.Rowan was carrying a little boy who kinda looks like something's not right here.

"Mom,what's going on?" I asked my mom while sitting down on the sofa.

"This little boy here is your son.We've waited hours for the DNA results and it's been confirmed" Rowan replied and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.Where did this child come from?How come I suddenly have a son?All this is insane.

"This...this is impossible.How can I have a child all of a sudden?"

"I don't know bro but that's what the DNA results say.You should speak to mom.I have a meeting to attend" Rowan said handing me the child and I had no choice but to carry the kid then look at my mom with a confused expression,hoping for a proper explanation.

Mom came forward and took the child from me then handed it to dad and asked me to follow her to the study room.When we arrived there she took a sit and explained everything to me.It turns out that the two years old child's name is Liam and his 23 years old mother is called Mila.She's a surgeon at the hospital near my base but the only thing not adding up is the fact that I never slept with that woman.

"Mom,I've never even seen Mila before so how can the child be mine?It doesn't make any sense" I tried to explain to my mother even though discussing such a private issue with her is kinda hurting my pride.

"Apparently there was a party three years ago,you both got drunk,ended in the same room and in the end little Liam was made" Mom explains and I'm shocked silly.

"Wait so you're saying she's the one I slept with three years ago?"

"Yes and you sound like you've misunderstood something" mom states looking at me questioningly with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah,when I woke up the next day I found one of my lieutenants sleeping by me so I thought.....oh God!I'm even planning to marry her"I confess and mom lets out a sigh.

"But it's now proven that the person you slept with is Mila.Or did you....."

"Mom,I swear that only slept with one person and it was only ones.It was also cause of that incident three years ago that I decided to date Xena.I didn't want to ruin her reputation or avoid taking responsibility"

"That Xena woman must have tricked you on purpose" mom guessed."I asked your dad's personal assistant to investigate Mila's character and she's a very simple woman.She has no relatives and she leaves not very well but well enough to survive.She has been taking care of Liam without complaining for a couple years now and she only brought him here cause his condition was getting worse and she's not really healthy enough to take care of him"

"She brought Liam here without asking for anything from you or the family and when she came,she never said anything bad about you.What happened was both your responsibilities and she held her end of the deal.Now it's time for you to do yours"

After hearing all mom had to say my mind just shut down.I didn't know to process everything and I'm unable to make any decision in the heat of the moment.A son just pops out of the blue,the woman I've dated for three years was actually lying to me and the woman I have sex with that night was Mila.That imaginary woman I fell inlove with at first sex is actually real but someone else took advantage of the whole situation and played a dirty trick with me.Fuck!!

This just can't be happening.How do I fix this?In the beginning I had no feeling for Xena but it's been three years now and I can't say I have no feelings for her.I was starting to actually like her and then this happens.*sigh

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