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Mila's P.O.V

By the time I woke up the next day,Grayson was long gone but he left behind a note greeting me good morning and wishing me a nice day after reminding me to take care of myself.Grayson really is such a good husband.

I rushed to work after having some breakfast and even though I rested for a whole day,my legs still felt a little weak but my heart is at peace knowing that my feeling for Grayson aren't one sided but mutual.I don't have to worry about Xena or anyone else coming between us.

Thinking back to all that happened last night I can't help but blush all crimson.Grayson seems like a gentleman on the streets but he is a real beast in bed.He has no self control at all.

Just as I was getting of work at night,Grayson's mother called inviting me over for dinner along with Liam so I went home,freshened up,dressed Liam up and went to the Cooper mansion.

After dinner,Mrs Cooper gave me a pair of custom made wedding rings as a wedding gift on behave of the Cooper family.I tried to protest but she asked me to look at my neck and see if I'm not already her son's woman.My face turned crimson cause apparently,Grayson left a few hickeys on my neck.

I had no choice but to accept Mrs Cooper's gift even though I can't wear it due to my line of work,cause frankly speaking she's quite a stubborn woman.Ones she has her mind set on something you just can't get her to change it.But I admire that about her.She's a strong and determined woman.

Mrs Cooper asked me to say at the mansion with them and I agreed cause no matter how much I protest she wouldn't have let me go anyway.And besides,Grayson's elder brother was happy to have Liam around and just wouldn't stop cuddling him.

I was taken to Grayson's bedroom while Rowan took Liam to his own.Grayson's bed is filled with his manly scent and I can't help but miss him.As I laid on Grayson's bed,I took out my phone and called him asking him to guess where I was.

"Mom already told me you're over at the Cooper mansion"

"Yes.I'm sleeping on your bed right now"

"Don't mention the word 'bed' and 'sleep' in the same sentence to me"


"Cause I miss you and I miss being inside you"

"I never knew you were so shameless"

"Well now you know.It's quite a bummer that I can't return now or else you won't get any sleep tonight"

"Goodnight Gray.I'm going to sleep"

"Ohk wifey.I'll return in a few days.Take care"

"Mmm.You too"

After hanging up the phone I covered myself with the blanket and went to bed with a smile on my face.Gosh,I feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

Grayson's P.O.V

After my phone call with Mila my colleagues began teasing me as I kept smiling like an idiot.

"How can you be so cheeky Gray?"

"You'll know when you get married"

"Is it really that amazing?"

"It's unforgettable.The feeling is simply out of the this world"

I had never really desired for sex that much in the past but after tasting Mila I feel like all those years of leaving like a monk was rubbish.If God forbid I had only one day left to live I'd spend it fucking Mila's brains out.I would gladly doe on top of that little wife of mine.

"I've done what you asked me to do by the way.But I wonder who offended you so badly that you have to scheme against them like this" one of my colleagues said pulling me out of my lewd thoughts of Mila.

"I'm simply paying them back in their own coins my friend" I said flashing him a devilish smirk.Since Xena decided to bully my little wife with her dad's help then I'll pay her back in her own coins.If she thinks my wife is easy to bully then she has another thing coming.

I haven't really done much but simply secured some evidence of Xena's father's dirty dealings and reported him to the authorities.Xena started this game by messing with my sweet little wife so I'll teach her,her place and how to stay there.She made a big mistake by shamelessly causing trouble for my dear wifey after all she put her through due to ger lies.

She is quite lucky I didn't wanna take revenge on her for making a fool out of me but it seems she doesn't know when to back down and stop clinging to something that would never be hers.

Mila's P.O.V

The next day I went to the hospital  straight from the Cooper mansion cause Mrs Cooper asked me to leave Liam with them for a few days.

As I was about to leave the hospital to go home,I saw someone standing by the entrance and looking at the person's back he looked excartly like Grayson.But Grayson never said he'd come pick me up and wasn't he gonna be away for a few days?

Just then Xena came out of nowhere and hugged the man tightly.The guy resisted a bit at first but hugged her back in the end and they even ended up sharing a very passionate kiss.

Just as I was about to walk away I heard her call out to the man as Grayson and asked him to leave with her if he still had feelings for her.The man who had been silent the whole time walked away along with Xena,hand in hand.

I just couldn't believe my eyes as I stood there frozen.What the hell just happened?Was that really Grayson?But he told me just how much he missed me last night and even said he loved me not so long ago.Could I be mistaken?Does Grayson still have feelings for Xena?

I took out my phone and tried calling Grayson but it went to voice mail.I tried again but same result and I began feeling uneasy.Could that have been Grayson or was it Xena's trick?

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