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I searched gor Jasper everywhere for two days for didn't find him.Not even at the bar.Jasper sure has a huge ego.What didn't he think of all this before deciding to stick up for me?I just have to find him at any cost.I can't loose him.

With that thought I decided to ask the Cooper family for help.After all,they had a hand in Jasper losing his job.I went over to the hospital Mila works at to find her in order to beg her to help me find Jasper.

"What do you want now?" Mila asked with an unwelcoming expression the moment I entered her office.She clearly didn't want to see me anymore and I don't blame her.I did cause her alot of trouble.

"Relax.I'm not here for Grayson but I'm here to ask you for a favour"

"What makes you think I'll help you?"

"Nothing but I'm willing to do anything if you just help me out.The man that help me put on an act infront of you sone time back in order to frame Grayson for cheating and the same man that released that article with the manipulated truth lost his job and has gone missing for a few days now.I just want you to help me find him.He is called Jasper Cadder"

"I don't have the ability to help you"

"I know but you can speak to Grayson on my behave.Please help me find me.I'm begging you"

"Fine.I'll speak to him.But I'm not making any promises"

"Ohk.Thank you"

"You can leave now"

I sighed in relief feeling hopeful since Mila agreed to help.My chances of finding Jasper would increase with the help of the Cooper family.

I decided not to disturb Mila anymore since she already got busy continuing with her work but I really wanted to tell Mila something so I decided to say it.

"Mila,I'm truly very sorry for all the trouble I've caused you.If I didn't do what I did three years ago you and Grayson would have probably been together long before this and might even be expecting your second child by now"

With that said I waled out of the room and went home to wait for news on Jasper's where about.At this point,this is all I could do.I just hope Grayson listens to Mila and decides to help me out.

Grayson's P.O.V

I returned home from the base to spend some quality time with my wife so I sent Liam over to the Cooper mansion before Mila came home from work.After we had our dinner and went to our bedroom,she told me about Xena's visit to her office.Apparently,Jasper has gone missing and Xena is extremely worried about him so she came asking for help.

"You're certainly not the cold hearted type Mila"

"I just wanna settle matters with Xena ones and for all.If she is willing to move on then I don't see why we shouldn't help her"

"We'll talk about this later.For now I'm not in the mood to talk" I said as I moved on top of Mila's body,pressing down on her.

"You left Liam with mom just for this?Why are you troubling her so much?"

"What trouble?Liam is a well behaved child.And besides,mom likes having him around"

"But you - mmph" I kissed Mila before she could complete her words.And by this time I had already gotten rid of her nightgown.

At the special forces base we do nothing but train and go on missions.So what did I mostly think of?Of course I naturally always thought of Mila's alluring body and the feeling of having her moan under me.Her porcelain skin looks less pale now adays,making her a whole lot more seductive.

The next day I contacted my brother to help Xena find Jasper before I left for the base.I also told him to keep her in the dark for a few days before telling her where to find Jasper.That way she'd know how to keep herself and Jasper in check and not cause any stupid drama again later on.

Xena's P.O.V

I waited for four days without any news of Jasper from the Coopers and during these four days I couldn't sleep.I finally realized just how much Jasper means to me.We met not long ago yet he somehow managed to make a place for himself in my heart.

On the fifth day of my wait Rowan's assistant contracted me to inform me that Jasper was currently at a particular magazine's photography studio begging to be part of their shoot.The assistant also said the ban on Jasper had been removed and ge had his job back but he wasn't aware of this.

I immediately rushed yo the studio and there he was.looking all exhausted and pale.He looked nothing like the handsome dreamy Jasper I knew and it made me feel extremely bad.He had a good life before he met me.But it all got ruined cause of me.

And he never even asked me to take responsibility for ruining him even ones.Instead,he hid away from me and was suffering on his own.

I find it really hard not to fall inlove with a man like this.Although he is not particularly good,he is a whole lot better than I am.

I went to meet the ones incharge of the magazine shoot the moment Jasper left and told them his ban had been lifted so they could let him join the shoot.I also asked them to help me set up a meeting with Jasper without his knowledge so they called him and told him they've agreed to let him work with them and also asked him to go to a specific location the next day for the shoot.

I went home and the next day I got dressed in a short red sexy bodycon dress,rushed over to the hotel Jasper was asked to go.I told the receptionist to send Jasper over to the room I booked the moment he arrives.

I waited for a few minutes before the door of the room finally opened and he walked in.He stood frozen at door,clearly stunned to see me.

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