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After speaking with my friends I went to find Xena.She let me into her apartment unit with a huge smile on her face and offered me a drink but I rejected it as I sat on the sofa."Did something happen at home?You left in quite a hurry" she asked sitting next to me on the sofa and I let out a sigh.

"Xena,there's something I wanna clarify with you"

"What's going on Gray?You're scaring me"

"That night three years ago,did we really have sex?" I asked and Xena's facial expression immediately turned awkward.

"W-Why are asking?If it wasn't me then who else coukd it be?Did you hear any ridiculous rumours?"

"We've been in a relationship for three years and everytime I try to sleep with you you ask me to wait till we get married.Where you afraid I'd discover that you're a virgin?"I asked in self-mockery."I've been respecting yoyr wish and now I'm thankful to you cause you prevented me from making another mistake"

"How were you planning to continue with your lie?Were you gonna do surgery?I'm very disappointed in you for what you did and also in myself for not being able to see who you really are even though we've been together for three years.I think we should end things here cause who knows how many more lies you told me" Xena breaks down in tears after hearing my words.

I stood up to leave but Xena hugs me quickly and began begging me in tears not to end things between us but that just can't be considered."I'm not the only ome who got hurt in your scheme,Xena.It's over between us" I said before forcefully freeing myself from Xena's hold and rushing out of the apartment despite Xena crying out for me to come back.

I went to one of my friend's apartment to share a few drinks with him and tell him how things went down with Xena.I know I said three years ago that I'd never drink again but my friends just wouldn't have it.Whenever we hang out they always found ways to make me drink.

"So what are you gonna do now?You took care of things with Xena but what of Mila?She already gave you a child so no one would be willing to marry her.You should take responsibility"

"It's a jerk move to get another woman immediately after breakup so I'll just let time run it's course.My main priority now is Liam's health"

"Ohk man"

We drank till almost midnight before I took some lemon to help mysrlf sober up and headed to the hospital to see Mila.I don't even know why but I just wanted to see her.

When I arrived,she was still very busy run up and down while working and I'm wondering if she even gets any rest.What is she?A robot?

I stood to the side and watched her work for a while before turnimg around and returning to the army base.I immediately went to my superior and applied for leave in order to take care of Liam.After my superior learned about my issue he began to lecture me.

"Hand in a marriage application before word gets out or we're both dead"

"Yes sir"

"I hope you've taken care of things with Xena"

"Yes sir.Everything is taken care of already"

"Good.You've been in the military for so long without taking any leaves so I'll give you a month.And within this month I want you to clean up your mess or else if I hear any rumours,you'll take responsibility for it"

"Yes sir.I'll take your leave now"


I saluted my superior and turn to leave but just as I was about to step out I heard my superior say,"Hurry and submit your marriage application".Marriage.I didn't want to get married just after a breakup.In my books it's a jerk type of  move.

I drove over to the hospital to pick up Mila so I can get some of Liam's stuff but ended up waiting till 3am in the morning.The hospital was almost empty by then and the moment she stepped out I pressed the car horn.I seemed alittle surprised and reluctant to enter the car but I coaxed her to enter and headed to her apartment.

We didn't talk throughout the ride there and the moment we arrived at the apartment which is actually a few blocks away I decided it's time we break this awkwardness between us if we want to coexist so just as Mila was about to open the car door I spoke up.

"From now on we'll see each other often but I'll my best nit to cause problems for you.I broke up with Xena already but don't worry cause it's not your fault.We already had some problems to begin with"

"How is it not my fault?If I didn't come into the picture none if this would be happening.I feel like I stole her man"

"That's where you're wrong.You didn't steal from her but she stole from you.Three years ago after that night when I woke up she was  sleeping beside me so I thought she was the one I slept with"

"Then you...."

"Believe it or not,she's still a virgin.She refused to let me touch her till marriage and now I'm quite thankful to her.Anyways,everything is settled with her so don't blame yourself for anything"


I smile slightly and we got out of the car to head into Mila's home.Looking at her apartment,it's more of a shelter from the rain and sun than a home.Its quite clear that Mila doesn't leave a wealthy life at all and it breaks my heart to know that the mother of my child is living such a poor life while I gave so much money I don't even know what to do with it.

"I can't help but think if not for Liam you'd probably be richer than this" I comment as we enter her apartment and she lets out a cute little chuckle."I'm all alone in this world so after having Liam,we only had each other and I don't regret having him.And before his birth most of my money go into my health so I don't think I can ever get rich in this life" she said briefly with a sad smile before walking away to pack some of Liam's stuff.

Watching her lonely back moving around the small apartment that can barely accommodate two people makes my heart ache.Mila is such a simple pitiful little woman that a part of me just wants to take her in my arms and take good care of her.Maybe I might just do that but not now.I wanna get to know her better.

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