Chapter 17: The Royal Ball (Part 1)

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A messenger bird landed atop Cale's window, tied on it is a letter bearing the royal crest, Cale untied it from the bird's right foot and ripped the letter open.


"To Cale Henituse

To commemorate the 759th day of a peaceful Roan Kingdom, and to celebrate the new alliances formed with Ratuis Kingdom and the Kingdom of Heinvil, on the 26th day of the month, a ball will be held at the Royal Palace.

For being the commander and the one who led the heroes in the past war, everyone is looking forward to your presence."


Cale wasted no time and ripped the letter.

"Raon, ring the crown prince right now"

"Owkieee human"

Raon and the two cats left the room as per Cale's instructions because he couldn't promise he wouldn't swear at his motherf*cking hyung in front of the children.

Just after a few seconds, the call went through, and a typical sly smile that Cale had enough of is attached to Alberu's face.

"Well well, what could be the reason for this midnight call from my lovely dongsaeng?" Alberu flashed a devilish grin that gave Cale that shivers.

'Ugh so uncomfortable', Cale thought inside. But two can play the game so Cale immediately adjusted his annoyed face and flashed an almost identical smile.

"Can't a lovely dongsaeng call his even lovelier hyung when he misses him?" Cale uncharacteristically smiled innocently that stunned not only his hyung but also the eavesdropping servant silently rooting for his master.

"H-hahaha-hha, y-yeah of course y-you are totally welc-come to c-call me when you uh yeah"

Lennon couldn't hold back from sighing, his crown prince is down real bad.

Cale, unaware of the mess he caused, continued, waving the torn letter he asked, "Your highness, what's the meaning of this?"

Barely recovering from Cale's sudden attack, Alberu suppressed his glee. "I take it that the content of the letter already answers your question?"

"My dear hyung, the light that provides hope for the citizens of this kingdom, have I not told you that I don't like attending such bothersome things? "

No matter how many times Cale did this, Alberu is always irked by Cale's sarcasm, luckily he knows how to fight back.

"My precious dongsaeng, the silver shield hero that saved all the citizens not only of this kingdom but the entire continent, the people wish to see your divine appearance, and witness your God-given intellect." not forgetting to exhibit a sarcastic smile as well.

"Ha ha. I'm not going" Cale got rid of his facade and deadpanned hanged-up on Alberu.

"Haaaah so annoying, I'm already doing so much. Haaaaa, I just wanna have the slacker life" With one last complaint for the day, Cale allowed his body to get absorbed by the bed.

A/n: Haloo been so long huhu but I'm back so yaaay!, anyway I will post the 2nd part of Chapter 17 today as well, will just eat out. 

ps: I just really wanted to post it ASAP coz it's been a while, hihi hope you enjoy it!

ps: Unbetad

TCF's GENRE CHANGE??! (TCF FANFICTION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz