Chapter 14: Love Rivals (2)

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Cale hurriedly got dressed when a black claw tugged on his shirt.

"Humaan, can I come with you?" Raon uttered, backed up by pitiful expressions of 2 furry children.

"No, stay here. Hans, take care of the children. And Ron lead me to where Choi Han is"

"A-are you gonna fire him, young master?" Hans puzzlingly asked.

"Haaah? Why the hell would I fire Choi Han?" Cale irritatedly said.

'Choi Han got stabbed and I'll fire him? What nonsense was that' Cale was almost urged to smack Hans in the head but he remembered even Hans was stronger than him.

Hans breathed heavily as if relieved, "You truly are a kind young master"

'the f*ck'

Truthfully, Cale was stupefied. An internal strife between monsters that resides in the same domain as him is troubling. In the first place, why would Beacrox stab Choi Han, it just didn't make sense. Though their relationship isn't the best, it was more of a love-hate relationship. Beacrox in Cale's perspective is a rational man, he wouldn't act on impulse alone, so there must be a reason for it.

But Cale decided to cast aside all his thoughts because Choi Han's state is the utmost priority for now. He also decided to not bring the children with him, he may be a selfish prick but it might be too much for the kids to see Choi Han in an ugly state, it also doesn't help that Beacrox was the one responsible for it.

After getting dressed, Cale, led by Ron, proceeded to the health quarters of the duchy.

"Let's hurry" Because Cale can never let the main protagonist die.


Ron stopped in front of a room with a large door, this room is where the wounded are often treated, the room is rarely used as of the moment because it's the season of peace.

Ron knocked at the door and announced Cale's entry.

Cale doesn't really appreciate such a gesture, but he can't be bothered anyway.

"Young master Cale is entering"

Ron pushed open the door and what greeted Cale was Choi Han.

Specifically, a perfectly healthy sitting Choi Han.

'Eeeh? wasn't he stabbed?'

"Young master, I shall take my leave now" Ron said as he stared daggers with Choi Han.

"Choi Han"

The moment Cale uttered his name, Choi Han kneeled and pressed his head to the ground.

"Cale-nim, I'm so sorry, I committed an unforgivable sin"

"E-even t-though you believed in me and trusted me huhu"

Though his eyes aren't visible, Choi Han was definitely crying, actually he's sobbing. 'I know coming here changed the events of the book, but why did Choi Han become such a crybaby'

Choi Han's sobbing became even louder

"Huuhuuuuhuuuuh Caaaaleeee-niiiiiim!, Im sorry huhu Caleeee-niiiiim"

'Wow, can anyone just cut him some slack, ever since he transmigrated to this world, he's been through all kinds of shit, and now he has to coax this grown man?

Cale sighed internally and kneeled down.

"Choi Han raise your head"

"C-cale-nim huhuhu sorry"

"Haaaaaaa, I know so raise your head now" Cale suppressed his annoyance inside.

"Huhuuuhuu, o-okaay"

Choi Han slowly raised his head and wiped his tears swollen eyes with the back of his palms.

'He looks like a frog, kinda cute. Wait wtf am I thinking' Cale rid his mind of such repulsive thoughts.

He then positioned his hand on Choi Han's shoulder and caressed his back.

"Choi Han calm down and stop crying"

After a few minutes, Choi Han was able to calm down and compose himself.

"Okay are you fine now?" asked Cale

"Y-yes Cale-nim"

"Okay, let's sit there and explain everything"


"WHAAAT? So Beacrox suddenly attacked you while you were alone at the training area?"

"Yes Cale-nim"

"Are you sure it's Beacrox?"

"Yes Cale-nim" Choi Han answered with a gloomy face.

"Are there witnesses?"

"I didn't feel anyone apart from the two of us"

"Do you have any idea why Beacrox would do that?"

"N-not really"

"Hmmm. I see"

Cale was lost in thought, before coming here, he was hoping that Han's report was just a misunderstanding, but since Choi Han doesn't lie, then it must be true.

'Is that why Ron was acting odd earlier?'

"Are you fine now? How's the wound?" Cale asked as he noticed the peaking bandage from Choi Han's abdomen.

"It doesn't hurt that much Cale-nim, but thanks for worrying," Choi Han replied sheepishly.

"So where's Beacrox now?"

"A-about t-that. Over there" Choi Han pointed at another room inside the 'clinic'.

'If my memory serves me right, isn't that reserved for the critically wounded?'

Cale immediately looked at Choi Han "Choi Han"

The swordmaster guiltily looked down.

'Sh!t, so that's why he was so sorry'

Cale ran to the door and hastily opened it.

And what he saw was a bandaged up and a barely conscious Beacrox.

A/n: Unbetad, sorry for the typos/misspellings/grammatical errors.

hihi happy reading <3 

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