in another life

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Ellie has liked Nick for what feels like forever, he's her best friend after all. She watched as he left the elevator and entered the bullpen. He was wearing one of his way to small t-shirts that she had no idea how he managed to fit into. He sat at his desk doing paper work ever so often looking across at Ellie.

"Grab your gear we have a dead naval officer," says Gibbs as he walks past coffee in hand. The team grabbed what they needed and drove to the scene of the crime.

"Lieutenant Commander Ross was found dead on his living room floor by her wife cause of death appears to be blunt force trauma to the head but i will know more once i get the body back to autopsy." Ducky states. Gibbs thanks him then tells Bishop to interview the wife with Torres.

The pair leave the room to interview the wife. She didn't seem upset about her wife's death though was clearly in shock. "Mrs Ross" Nick began. "Yeah" she answered. "I'm agent Torres and this is my partner agent Bishop we just have a few questions we would like you to answer if that's okay." She nodded her head to tell him it's okay. "Do you know if there is anyone who would want to hurt lieutenant commander Ross?" Bishop asked nicely. "No everyone loved her... there was this one guy he didn't like that she was gay he made a few threats nothing major but," the wife begins before being cut off by Nick, "do you have a name for this guy?" He asked. The wife nodded before replying, "Jake, Jake Malloy." Bishop's jaw dropped slightly as she stood still in shock. Her ex-husband was currently lead suspect in a murder case.

"That will be all for now Mrs Ross if you think of anything else don't hesitate to contact us" Nick says handing her his card with his office number on. He took Ellie away from everyone. "Ellie who's Jake?" He asked recognising the look on her face knowing somehow she knew the guy. "He's my ex-husband" she said.

~time skip~

"Any leads on where Jake is?" Gibbs asked the team back at the naval yard. "No boss he must have turned of his phone we can't find his location anywhere." Mcgee answered still trying to look for a way to find him. Looking at his watch and realising it's late Gibbs sends the team home.

"Wanna get food?" Ellie asks Nick enthusiastically. Nick nods and they drive to their favourite diner going to their usual booth. They order their food, 2 cheese burgers with fries 1 strawberry milkshake and 1 chocolate. As they ate their food they talked about their favourite film, Avengers: age of ultron. "Why didn't they just throw Ultron in a river or something?" Nick asks laughing. "He'd probably evolve again more importantly how did cap think chocking a robot would work?" Ellie replied and they laughed more.

It was late when they had finished their food and were leaving the diner. They were still talking about the avengers and how they would have defeated Ultron where they there.

Nick drove Ellie home playing Taylor Swift loudly as they sang along. Ellie looked at Nick and smiled. In this moment she knew she more than just liked him, she loved him.

They got to Ellie's house slightly tired but still hyper. It was nearly midnight , how the time had went by so fast they had no clue. Ellie invited Nick in he tried to decline the offer but she refused to let him drive at night when he's tired. He entered the house and she smiled at him again, "you can take my bed I'll sleep on the couch" she said but he refused. Neither of them were falling asleep anytime soon.

Ellie put Disney plus on to watch age of ultron. She sat next to Nick resting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her. How she wished she could tell him how she felt but she couldn't, what if it ruined everything.

Half way through Ellie falls asleep and her head falls onto Nicks lap. Soon later he also falls asleep giving Jake the opportunity to strike.

A few hours later Nick wakes up and Ellie's gone. He searches the house shouting her name but she's nowhere to be seen. He calls her at least 20 times but each time no answer. He calls Gibbs, "Torres it's 5am why are you calling me?" Gibbs asks angrily. "Ellie's been kidnapped," Nick says quickly. "How sure are you?" He's asked. "Very." Gibbs hangs up then texts him to go to the navy yard. Afterwards he texts Mcgee the same thing.

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