Chapter 21: Dangerous Woman

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"I am, but not aroused by me if that's what you're suggesting it!" - He said, shyly.

"Why not? You're just as hot as they are!" - I replied in a defiant tone.

"Thanks, I guess. But I never actually payed much attention to these stuff before." - He explained.

"Do you really think you can sense it when I'm coming?" - I asked him point blank and he gasped.

I find it so adorable how uncomfortable he is by all this talk. And the more he squirms, more I enjoy it.

"Yes, I do. My brother isn't even 18 yet and he sensed it. So, I definitely will!" - He replied firmly and it got me curious.

"Really? Does your brother know who his mate is? Wasn't she supposed to be Lauren? Is that why they broke up?" - I questioned, very intrigued.

"Yes, it is. She was supposed to be his mate, but I guess since he's dreaming about someone else, she isn't. And that's why they've decided to called it quits." - He informed me. I was shocked when I heard it, to be honest. They looked absolutely perfect for each other.

"Really? You don't say! So your brother already knows who his mate is gonna be?" - I double checked.

"He can't be sure til he reaches 18, but yeah... He has a pretty good idea." - He stated, confidently. I could tell he was happy for his brother. It warms my heart. I do wish mine to be happy as well.

If only all humans got mates too. Life would be so much easier, am I right?

"How cool! And who..."

"I can't say it! I'm sorry, I promised him!" - He interrupted me with apologetic eyes.

"Really, not even to your mate? You know you can trust me, right?" - I said to him, looking deep into his eyes.

"Yes, I know and I do trust you. But no, not even to my mate! Werewolves are deeply loyal people. Especially to their Alpha!" - He explained, forcefully. I actually found it endearing.

"Wait, I thought your dad was the Alpha. Isn't he?" - I asked him, quizzically.

"Yes, he is. But when Daniel turns 18, he'll become the Alpha of the pack, succeeding our father." - He clarified.

"I see. And why can't you be the Alpha?" - I questioned him. He laughed at me.

"Because I'm not the biological son of the Alpha. I'm adopted. I'm actually the biological son of the former Beta, so I'll become one." - He explained with a proud smile.

"You mean the protector of the pack?" - I wondered.

"Yes, good memory! Beta is the second highest ranking werewolf of the pack. He helps the Alpha runs it, but is mostly in charged of security." - He elaborated, grinning. I could tell he felt pride about becoming the Beta.

"And is it always like this? I mean, it's always passed down from father to son of the same family?" - I asked, curiously.

"Yes, it is. Well, ever since the pack was founded more than 100 years ago. But..." - He started and took a pause.

"Can I have a glass of water?" - He asked. And I gave him a glare.

"Yes, you can! But what?" - I replied, curiosity dripping from my tone.

"But it is pack law that at every full moon, any mated member of the pack is given the opportunity to challenge the Alpha, if he or she so desires it." - He continued in a somber tone. I went to fetch him some water.

"Wow! How exciting! And what happens then?" - I asked as I give him a glass of water.

"They fight. The challenger and the Alpha, as wolves, in front of the entire pack. They fight to the death, whoever is left standing becomes the Alpha. But no Huntington has ever lost the challenge, of course." - He stated, confidently.

"Cool! That means you can challenge too, right?" - I said, but immediately regretted it.

"That would mean kill my brother, who I love most in the world, or our father!" - He said in a deep somber, eerie tone. He looked so distraught all of the sudden that I felt really bad. - "I'd rather die!"

"You're right, I'm sorry for even saying it! I got carried away a little!" - I apologized. Sometimes my mouth gets me in trouble. It runs faster than I can control it at times.

"Daphne, to me family is everything! And though they're not my biological family, they ARE my family! They've raised me as one of their own. They never made a distinction among their children. Daniel is not only my brother, but he is my best friend!" - He informed me, still upset that I even suggested it.

"I get it, Nate, I do. I'm really sorry for saying anything to the contrary!" - I said, looking apologetic.

"Apology accepted." - He replied, taking a sip of his water.

"Thanks. Changing the subject, is it possible for us to have sex without you biting me in the end?" - I asked bluntly and he gasped so hard, he spit the water in his mouth.

"Y-yes, it is possible. Just very difficult, but totally doable." - He stuttered, his voice is rusk, deep. I've never heard him speaking like that.

"I don't mean now, just so you know." - I replied, getting closer to him.

"Yeah, I know." - He replied, sounding a little disappointed. I could tell he got really excited at the prospect.

"But that doesn't mean we can't fool around." - I said this as I sit on his lap and kissed him.

I'm not usually this forward, I admit. I mean, I'm not a prude either! But something about him, I don't know...

It just gets to me! I can't quite put my finger on it. And his adorable shyness just makes it all the more appealing to me, even though I'm mostly attracted to confident guys. It's a really strange phenomenon!

But right now, I'm embraced by his arms, sitting on his lap on my bed and kissing him passionately.

He takes a hold of me, kissing me while still careful to not touch anything I didn't expressed my consent for him to touch. But I don't hold back, I thew myself at him and we make out for a good hour. Still, he never took advantage of my advances.

His kisses, his arms, everything I come into contact ignites a fire over my skin that I've never felt before.

It really is the best feeling being with him. And honestly there's no place I'd rather be.

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