This morning Vijaya had started her day on a bright note. She had proceeded to make the gift that Shyam had suggested her to give Deva. But then her happy morning turned into a gloomy one as Manuja told her that she had to be present in the royal court to identify the man who was alleged to attack her. Vijaya had frozen in horror at the thought of facing that demon. She had hugged her Maa tightly and pleaded crying helplessly not to take her in front of him. But Manuja calmed her and told that they suspect the man who was accused, was innocent actually. She assured Vijaya and persuaded her to come.

So, Vijaya attempted to hold onto the courage that Manuja gave her and waited patiently outside the royal court. It was due to start soon. Vijaya looked at the gift she had made for Deva. Before coming here, she thought he might be present here and if not, Vijaya could find him afterwards. That's why she brought it with her hiding in her shawl.

Vijaya observed the surroundings. She had never come in these parts of the palace in spite of living here since birth. A few Dasis were standing behind her. Manuja had left her to meet Maharani Chitralata. As she stared around, her eyes fell on a man standing in the open area in front of the palace.

"Deva!" A smile came to her lips seeing him. She instantly started to move towards him with the Dasis following behind in confusion.

Sahdev was standing in front of the palace lost in thoughts after talking to one of the council members of Madra who assured him that most of the officials of the royal court was with him. They were embarrassed and ashamed of Maharaj Dyutimata's imprudent and injudicious behaviour. And today after Rajkumari Vijaya's confession in the royal court, there would remain no space for doubt. He would have Madra's undivided loyalty towards him.

Sahdev sighed thinking about Vijaya. From his encounters with her, he did not think she would fair much positively with this question answering in the royal court. If it was upto him, he would spare her this added distress on top of what she endured. But it wasn't possible. The proceedings of the court would start soon and she would be subjected to everyone's speculations.

"Deva!" The voice calling him from behind froze him for a few moments in shock. He turned to find Vijaya was standing in front of him with a beautiful smile on face.

"Vijaya." Sahdev whispered in surprise. He looked around to find the Dasis glancing at each other just in as much surprise as he felt. And why not. Vijaya was standing in front of the man who was accused to molest her with a smile. "You're here?" He asked in confusion.

"I was searching for you only." Vijaya replied happily.

"Why?" Sahdev asked noticing a few passers-by had also stopped to stare at them who no doubt was arriving to attend the court.

"Actually---I never thanked you for---for saving me that night." Vijaya said with hesitation. It was not easy for her to talk about that night. "I am really grateful to you. Thank you. Thank you so much." She said finally smiling at him.

The sharp ears concentrating on them also heard her words. Those who had even the slightest doubt on him, was surprised by this statement of hers as it cleared the fact that Rajkumar Sahdev was indeed faultless.

On the other hand, Yudhisthir and Maharaj Dyutimata who stood talking with a few ministers on the balcony upstairs facing the front of the palace, had also noticed the scenario. Maharaj Dyutimata frowned in anger and the rest watched them with surprise and interest.

"It's okay. It was only my Ksatriya Dharma to protect you. You don't need to thank me." Sahdev replied returning back the smile.

"No, no. I need to thank you. You saved my honour and my life too. I will never be able to repay you for this." Vijaya said looking earnest.

"You don't need to repay me. It's okay." Sahdev said again with assurance.

"That's what I am saying Deva. I can not repay you even if I try. But I have brought a gift for you. And I would be very happy if you accept that. I have made it with my own hands." Vijaya said with big hopeful eyes.

"Okay. For your satisfaction I will accept it." Sahdev said chuckling lightly at her innocence.

His eyes moved towards the balcony where all the ministers were standing gawking at them. Maharaj Dyutimata looked severely displeased and Yudhisthir had a curious look in his eyes. His eyes met Yudhisthir's a moment before he noticed his ever calm brother's eyes widening in shock.

Sahdev did not have to wonder the reason for much time as he froze in shock too just at the next moment.

A few gasps came from around. Maharani Chitralata and Manuja who just arrived there, had also frozen in shock as they stared at the scene before them.

Sahdev turned his eyes to Vijaya slowly to find her smiling softly at him. Like what she just did was absolutely normal and expected.

As the shock wore off people started their loud murmurings.

"Rajkumari!!!" Manuja called her loudly in horror. She hurriedly went towards her and held her hand. "What have you done?"

"What happened Maani Maa?" An oblivious Vijaya asked in confusion.

Manuja did not know what reply to give. She glanced at Maharaj Dyutimata to find him looking extremely angry. Maharani Chitralata looked to be in shock till now, so did Rajkumar Sahdev. Manuja couldn't think anything and dragged Vijaya from there hurriedly.

Sahdev stared at the way she went dumbfounded and then glanced at Yudhisthir in astonishment before staring at the garland of red roses that Vijaya had just placed on his neck in front of everyone.


I guess you fully know now what game our Krishna had played...😂😂😂

A Rajkumari just not go around garlanding man just like that except.....😆😆😆

And on top of that she used red roses which was used in Gandarvha vivha to garland a lover whom the girl chose as her companion. 😉😉😉

Kaisa laga???😂😂😂😂😂

Deva shocks, Jaya rocks....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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