||I still love you||

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Things were going great between Archie and Jughead. Their relationship had been blooming like never before. Sadly, just how life is, things had to change.

"Aaarch, I gotta go. Stop kissing me"

"Just five more minutes"

"No, I really can't. Dad wants me home"

"Ugh, fine. But you're no fun"

"We have school tomorrow" Jughead threw in and Archie nodded.

"I know, I know"

"Okay, we see us tomorrow" Jughead smiled and then leaned down to peck him on the lips.

"See you tomorrow"

"I love you, Arch"

"Love you too" he smiled and then just skipped off. Archie heard the engine of Jughead's motor but then he drove off...

and then there was silence between them for three days. Archie didn't know what was going on but no one answered him.

Finally FP had reached out to him.

"FP? Where is Jughead? He has been ignoring me for-"

"He had an accident"


"When he was coming back from yours, someone was driving drunk and... they crashed... Jughead was in the hospital until now and he didn't want me to tell you, okay? But don't worry, nothing life threatening or so happened"

"Wha- How is that supposed to calm me down? Why didn't he want to tell me"

"You know how Jughead is"

"Yeah, but that doesn't meant that he can just-"

"Archie, please. Calm down. Jughead just got home. I'll keep you updated, okay?"



"What even happened? I mean... is he injured?"

"Nothing too bad, don't worry. Mostly just some broken bones, nothing he hasn't had before"

"Okay... that... doesn't sound too bad..." he sighed, though then nodded "Okay... Then you call me again when there are news?"


"Okay, see you then... I guess..."

"See you"

FP hung up. After that, another two weeks passed. But FP didn't talk too much to him. Jughead wasn't in school the whole time, nor was he anywhere else to be seen. Archie didn't believe the thing about 'only some broken bones' anymore. Jughead would still go to school, even with broken ribs - he had done that before actually. So he texted him or called but his boyfriend never answered.

It was like he just disappeared.

Archie finally had enough. He wanted to know what was going on and why Jughead had been ghosting him. So after school, he shouldered his backpack and put in headphones before starting to walk over to the Southside. He wanted some answers and if Jughead wasn't going to answer his calls or messages, then he will go to him.

Archie knocked on the door, calling for his boyfriend. It needed a minute and he heard some noises before the door finally opened.


"Yeah, it's me. Your boyfriend, who you've been ghosting for weeks"

"S-Sorry... uh... you wanna come... inside?"

"Yeah" Jughead nodded, stepping aside and opening the door wider. Archie walked in and then Jughead closed the door behind him.

"My dad isn't home... s-so I'm not exactly allowed to let anyone in"

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