Chapter 9

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A couple of days passed without me eating, going to work or even doing as much as going downstairs. All I would do was take my bath, put on new pjs and be on my phone all day.

My parents and Rachel would constantly call or text my phone but I would always make sure to ignore them by leaving them on seen though so they'd know I was alive but straight up mad at them.

I received a couple of mail about work but I still never replied. Suddenly the urge to work was no longer there. I even almost contemplated suicide but I couldn't just do it.

I know Damian didn't save me just so I could kill myself.

Day after day there would be bangs on my door some from Rachel, sometimes my mom or dad and a couple of times it was a helper or something but I still wouldn't budge.

Whenever I felt hungry, I'd have to mentally remind myself of why I'm doing this and it worked sometimes, other times, I had to drink a lot of water and much on some cookies I found in the room.

Today was different though, my stomach was twisting so much inside of me that even water couldn't help. My vision was getting blurry and I had no strength to carry myself. I felt like I was dying slowly but painfully which is how I'd rather not die even though I wanted to.

I decided to give up and finally face my family now that I felt I couldn't hold in my hunger anymore.

While still in my pjs, I walked up to my door with the last strength I had hoping I'd be able to get to the kitchen to actually find something to eat.

As I walked down the staircase slowly and my hands caressing the railings, I could feel my eyes slowly flutter. My legs suddenly started shaking, my eyes flutter shut and my body dropping to the floor then everything went black.


My eyes fluttered open slowly trying to adapt to the bright light.

I heard faint noises from the background but I couldn't make up who the noise was from.

"Eunt?" I heard a voice call but I didn't understand what they were saying.

"Winter?" I heard clearly now and I tilted my head to where the sound was from.

My eyes gently fluttered open to clearly see a worried looking Rachel.

"Are you alright?" She leaned in closer to me and caressed my hair.

I scanned my whole room and my eyes landed on my mom who was sitting at the other side of my bed.

My head felt a little bit heavy and my body felt quite weak. I sat up on the bed, resting my back on the headboard.

"What happened?" I asked gently rubbing my head.

"Here, drink this first." Rachel urged me then handed me a glass of juice.

I took the glass from her and gulped it down in one sitting. My stomach suddenly felt full.

"Did you try to kill yourself?" My mom asked with a blank expression while eyeing me suspiciously.

"Mom!" Rachel yelled at our mom while I just wore a confused look.

"What?!" I scoffed at her question.

Does my mom really think I tried to commit suicide?! I mean well yes, I did consider it but I'm above that level now after going to therapy.

"Rachel, please help Winter come down for dinner." She completely ignored me and went out of the room.

"Come on," Rachel sighed as she helped me out of the bed to stand on my feet.

Does Rachel also think I tried to kill myself?

"Rach, do you also th-."

"Not yet, we'll talk later." She cut me off without even sparing me a glance.

What is this madness?

She helped me down to the dining hall where I sat down next to my dad but he also didn't spare me a glance.

The air suddenly felt dry as the table was silent and no one was saying anything.

The helper brought a plate of fruit salad and placed it in my front while the rest family members ate actual food.

"Why am I eating fruits and vegetables while the rest of you eat chicken and pasta?" I complained and my dad's cutlery dropped loudly on the plate.

"You starved yourself for four days! Four?! After I worked so hard for you to always eat good food! Over what? Some wedding?!" My dad yelled loudly at me for the first time in my life.

"Dad I-"

"I don't want to hear it." He cut me off immediately. "Winter, you tried to starve to death while I thought you have probably been sneaking in food to your room but staying inside during the day just to rebel!"  He accused me further.

"I didn't starve! I had cookies and always had my water refilled!"

"So that makes it better?" He questioned me. "Listen, I thought you were over everything that happened but I guess you're still not which is why your mom and I have come to a decision." He sighed.

"What?" I looked at him with fear in my eyes because it was the first time he was being this stern with me.

"We're going to have you committed." He announced and I gasped, pushing my chair backwards.

"Dad! You all are overreacting!" I screamed in a high pitched voice and tears forming in my eyes.

"I-I am fine dad. Believe me!" I jogged towards him and knelt down on the floor as I held his arm but he looked away.

"Mom! Why aren't you saying anything?" I ran towards her.

"It's for the best Winter. I'd rather not have you here at all than have a ghost of a daughter living with me." She sniffled then cupped my face but I moved away from her.

"Rachel! You know I wouldn't do that!" My tears already flowing well.

"Dad, maybe we can-"  She stopped talking when he shot her a death glare and watched me with sadness in her eyes.

"What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm fine?! I don't want to go anywhere, I'm not depressed anymore, I will do anything just please don't make me go there." I begged everyone.

"There's only one way you can prove to me that you're fine," my dad started and I walked to him.

"Anything, I'll do anything." I wiped my tears away.

"You will prove to me that you have gotten over Damian by marrying Leonardo in a week."


What a condition?!
What do you think Winter will do?
Do you think her parent really overreacted?
Oh and expect more frequent updates!

Follow me on insta @theepeachygirl

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