A Christmas To Remember - Alpha!Rick x Omega!Daryl

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Daryl woke to the scent of cooking pancakes and bacon. He rolled to the side with a wide smile on his face, he slowly got up and headed out towards the kitchen seeing his mate and pup busy cooking.

"Well good morning." Daryl smiled as he stepped into the kitchen.

"Morning momma! Dad said when we finish breakfast we can open gifts!!" The young alpha was exceedingly excited about the gifts sitting under the tree.

"Your dads right," he smiled and sat down at the table as the last pancake was flipped. They sat together and ate. Carl excitement wafting off of him, the young pup was trying hard to contain himself as he gulped his orange juice waiting patiently for his parents to complete their meals.

Daryl and Rick smiled at one another and finished themselves before heading off to sit around the tree, Carl was sitting awaiting the okay to start opening gifts.

Daryl looked to Rick and Rick smiled. "Go ahead son."

Carl smiled as he began to unwrap gifts wildly. "Wow! A bow just like mom!" The pup squeal as he opened the largest gift.

"Now you have to listen to your mom, alright? He's going to help you learn how to shoot it and use it properly. If you don't listen when you're using it then we will have to put it away till you're older you understand?"

"Yes dad." Carl said as he lifted the bow. Daryl couldn't help but beam at the sight of his boy and the bow.

"Look at him, he's growing up so fast." Daryl smiled remembering the day they rushed to the hospital and had him, feeding him, his first day of school. Trips with the family, he remembered it all and tried not to cry watching his son.

"He really is." Rick smiled, he had similar memories and loved every minute of it.

"I will teach you, I promise. Then we can go hunting together. Dad can come too if he wants. Maybe your uncle Merle can come along."

Rick shivered, Merle.

He did have to admit a single thank you to the old bastard. If he hasn't arrested him that day he would have never met Daryl.

"Or not." Carl said seeing his dad grimace. Daryl laughed, he knew that Rick didn't like his brother very much. He didn't have a love or hate relationship with his brother, their relationship was essentially nothing but he liked seeing Rick's reaction to it. Rick kissed Daryl's forehead then Carl's as he handed them each a gift.

"Open them together." Rick said.

The two nodded and opened  the gifts at the same time. They each had a T-Shirt that matched the other, Rick pulled one out as well.

Grand Canyon.

"We are going to take a trip to the Grand Canyon when all the snow melts." Rick smiled, the pup grinned excitedly and Daryl smiled.

"Really? We are finally doing that trip."

"Yes, I already took time off from work."

Daryl smiled, they had been talking about it for a while now, and he was happy to see they were finally going to do it.

Rick grinned as more gifts were exchanged. Daryl couldn't help but smile seeing his family together. Holidays were usually extremely tough, but with Rick and Carl that sad feeling he got around them were gone.

The family enjoyed their time together, Carl played with his toys and chased his father around. Daryl sat back with a sigh of relief, this was his happy little family. He hoped it would grow bigger, and that he would get to enjoy more Christmas's with them.

This was the best day he had had in a long time and he couldn't wait for their trip to the Grand Canyon or for the hunting trips he'd have with Carl  after they practice with that bow.

They enjoyed some hot chocolate and a Christmas movie snuggled into the couch together. Carl laid in his mother's lap while Daryl snuggled into his mate. This was a good day, and it would be one to remember.

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