Omega! Daryl x Alpha! Rick - litle ass kicker

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Daryl groaned, he looked down at himself but smiled despite the pain. There was life growing inside him and he was happier then ever. He was close to the point of having the pup and could feel her wiggling inside him.

Rick stepped in their sim trailing behind. "Go give your mom a hug. Looks like he needs it." Rick suggested to Carl. Carl raced to his mom throwing his hands around him. Daryl held his son close with a smile.

"Hey pup." Daryl smiled the young alpha smiled as his mother.

"Hey mom, how's puppy doing?" Carl asked placing his hand on Daryl's stomach. Carl giggled feeling the pup move.

Rick smiled seeing his family, his son, and mate, and the growing stomach of his mate harboring their unborn pup. He was excited to see the pup growing, they were planning to go to the doctor today and have their last ultrasound before their little girl was to get here.

"You ready 'mega?" Rick asked the alpha holding out his hand to his mate.

Daryl pushed himself off the bed and stood tall, he whined as he stretched his back. Rick smiled. "She's kicking your ass already?"

"Why do you think I call her little ass kicker?" Daryl asked as he laid his hand in his stomach feeling a kick. Daryl grabbed Rick's hand and placed it on the spot she likes to kick the most.

Rick smiled feeling the soft kicks from their pup, Rick kissed Daryl's mate mark and the omega shuttered in joy. "We should go, drop off the pup at Lori and Shane's."

"Dad, mom do I gotta?"

"Yes you do. Only dad and I are allowed in the doctors office." Daryl muttered kissing his pups forehead. Carl nodded understanding, the three piled in the car, Rick pulled into Shane's. Lori ran out Shane in tow.

Shane waved a hello. "Hey brother. Hello Daryl, you look about ready to pop."

Daryl laughed, Lori kissed Daryl's cheek then lowered herself to his stomach. "Well hello puppy, you ready to meet your aunt Lori."

Daryl laughed as she spoke to his stomach, the beta stood and hugged the young alpha Carl. "You ready to meet your little sister?"

"Yeh, I can't wait to meet her."

"Well mom and I will be back with some photos before we go in for the birth." Rick smiled hugging his son quickly.

"We have another month before she gets here." Daryl muttered, she kicked him again and he smiled. "Little ass kicker." He smiled as Rick kissed his mate again.

Shane and Lori waved to them as they left Carl couldn't stop talking about the coming pup and being a big brother. Daryl smiled as he felt another kick, "she keeps kicking me. Your daughter is a pain."

"Our daughter just wants to meet us." Rick laughed as another kick came to him. Daryl snickered as they arrived at the hospital, Daryl was adamant about the stairs but Rick refused making him take the elevator.

As they checked in and got ready for their appointment Daryl held his stomach looking at the pictures of the pups that had recently came to the world that the OBGYN's posted. He was trying to remember Carl's birth but it felt worlds away.

They were called in. "Hey Mr. and Mr. Grimes. How's momma doing?"

"We are doing good Dr. Porter." Rick smiled.

"Ready to see my puppy." Daryl replied. "Good too."

Their doctor smiled helping Daryl sit back, the cold gel made Daryl whine, Rick was quick too calm him with his scent. Daryl smiled feeling better as the camera began to show their pup wriggling inside of Daryl.

"Have you picked out a name for her yet?" Their doctor asked smiling. "I know it took some time for you to pick Carl's."

"Right now I call her little ass kicker." Daryl smiled. Dr. Porter laughed and continued to move the camera around to see more of their pup. "I think she'll be an alpha." Daryl said.

"I think an omega like you." Rick said.

"If she is an omega you won't know until she's between eight and eleven. Your first heat was when again?"

It wasn't in his charts.


"Regardless she looks really healthy." Daryl and Rick smiled as pictures began to print.

"Carl is going to love these." Daryl said rubbing his thumb along the picture of his daughter. "I love her already."

"I love our family." Rick smiled as he wrapped his hand around Daryl's looking at the ultrasound photos. "We are going to give them both a good life."

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