Chapter 23: King's Road (2)

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Chapter 23: King's Road (2)


"Why did you aim for Chungmuro?"

Kim Dokja asked one of the wounded Myeongdong members. The guy whom he asked did not answer and dropped dead. He quickly let go of the person and grabbed another member.

"Who gave you information?"

The bloody member opened his mouth, only to cough up blood before taking his last breath.


"Dokja-ssi, give it up. They're dead, ask that one instead."

Jung Heewon pointed her sword at the person dangling above them. Kang Ilhun was tied up with Yoo Sangah's Binding Thread and hanging from the ceiling.

Kim Dokja took a deep breath and looked up at the only person alive from the ambushing group.

"Was everything planned from the beginning?"

"...I thought there was a high probability. As soon as the station opens, two groups will unite and attack. It was a prior promise."

"Saying things with such a good face..."

Yoo Sangah's expression became dark.

"Are you sorry? There isn't going to be an alliance."

"...A little bit."

"You shouldn't. Anyway, let's get to the point."

Kang Ilhun was trying to stay calm.

"...What will you do with me now?"

"It depends on how much information you can give me."

"Are you basing the standards on usability?"

"In any case, the constellations see him as 'wicked'. How about trying torture?"

Jung Heewon chipped in. She said that in a joking manner but her eyes were serious.

"Why bother with torture? Just kill him if he doesn't speak."


Cale was sitting in the side platform while quietly watching this scene. He was a bit disappointed in Kim Dokja's response.

Torturing people for information, something that they usually do. Though he was not the one doing the dirty work, it was a method that he got used to whenever they want to get useful information from some of their enemies.

Then again, no one was here to do the dirty work for them. If only Beacrox was here...

'...What the f*ck am I thinking.'

This... this must be the result of having to deal with this another sh*tty situation.

"I must be going crazy."

"Yeah. You're talking to yourself."

Cale turned his head at the side. He didn't notice Jung Heewon was already beside him. She was standing while using the bloody sword to support herself.

"By the way, where are your friends? They always stick around you."

Jung Heewon looked around the station. She was looking for Choi Han and Alberu but failed to spot them.

"I had them run an errand."

"Oh? What errand?"

"Oh, just something that will benefit Kim Dokja."

Jung Heewon grinned and suddenly swung her sword, causing Cale to flinch and retreat.

"It must have something to do with the dragon right?"

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