Chapter 11: Can't stop the feeling

Start from the beginning

"Are they all..." - I said to Nate looking suspiciously at the guards.

"Yes, they are. You have to understand humans aren't allowed to enter the pack compound." - He explained in a worried tone.

"Then why the hell did you invite me here?! Aren't you gonna get in trouble?" - I replied very worriedly.

"You're my mate, Daphne, you're bound to be in my life! There's no point in denying this..." - He stated in a serious tone.

"So you keep saying it!" - I interrupted him as we walked inside. - "Wait, so that means all your friends are also..."

"Yes, they are! Everyone you see here is!" - It was Nate's time to interrupt me.

"Try to be cool about it, human, or else we'll have you for dinner!" - Denise deadpans.

At this, I stopped walking. My face looked terrified. But Nate nudged me to keep going, saying:

"She's joking! No one is allowed to harm humans! Especially someone's mate!" - He clarified and I resumed walking. The land was massive! There seems to be a lot of walking ahead.

"Really? Wow! Thank God! But why?" - I sighed in relief.

"Alpha's orders!" - Nate replied.

"What's an Alpha?" - I asked quizzically.

"Alpha is the highest ranking werewolf. The leader of the pack. And his orders are not to be disobeyed." - He spoke dead seriously.

"What happens if someone disobeys them?" - I asked, curiosity dripping. Everyone looked at me astonished.

"No one disobeys my father if they know what's good for them!" - Denise interjected in a menacing tone.

"Well, you either get expelled from the pack or challenged by the Alpha, depending on the infraction." - He explained, as we continued walking.

"Wow! And what happens in a challenge?" - I was intrigued.

"You die!" - Denise replied in an eerie tone. I gasped in shock.

"Can you stop, please?" - Nate pleaded to her. - "But yes, she's telling the truth! In a challenge, you fight to the death! And no one has ever beaten the Alpha!" - He informed me in an ever so serious tone.

"So, the Alpha sounds like a dictator."- I pondered, which made everyone look at me scared.

"Please don't say that! Especially NOT in front of my parents!" - His face was begging me. - "And no, he's not! Everyone here is free. But there are rules, just like in any society." - Nate elaborated.

"Okay. Wow! This is huge! How many people are there in this pack?" - I wondered, astonished by the place.

"Not everyone lives here, of course, this is just our main territory. But we're almost 500!" - He informed me.

"500! Oh my God! There are 500 werewolves in town?!" - I yelled, almost stopping in my tracks.

"Yes, there are! We're the largest pack on the entire East Coast!" - He told me, admiring.

I'm gobsmacked at this revelation.

"So, I'm curious about something. Now that you know I'm supposed to be your soulmate..."

"You are my mate! There's no doubt about it!" - Nate interrupted me.

"Anyway, are you going to... bite me? To turn me?" - I wondered, my voice was so fearful it barely emitted a sound. But everyone heard me all right.

Everybody but Nate laughed, which annoyed the hell out of me.

"Guys, come on! Have some respect! She's human!" - Nate chastised them. And then he turned to me. - "No, I'm not going to bite you..." - He answered, holding back a laugh. - "Werewolves are born. You can't turn anyone into them."

I can't help but sigh in relief.

"Good! Because I'm not ready to become one anyway." - I stated firmly.

"I understand, but maybe hold off on any more questions til we're alone. You don't need the audience." - Nate replied, empathically.

"I agree." - I said, looking at his sister distrustfully. I don't think she likes me very much, particularly. Not that I cared anyway.

After a while walking, everyone of his friends entered their respective houses as we went along. At the end of the property, we reached a magnificent house that looked more like a mansion. My jaw was on the floor! I've never seen a house so big before in my life.

"Welcome to the pack house." - Nate stated. And then he invited me inside.

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