Perfect Doesn't Kill The PAIN

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Perfect doesn't kill the pain,
These thoughts still drives me insane.
"You can't do this, you can't do that!
Why are you so ugly? You are too dark!"

I had to strengthen my hair,
To ease the ones I fear.
I had to tear and wear,
And lighten my skin.
As I held the pain in despair.
Their hearts I still couldn't win.
Their song I still couldn't sing.
Their love, I still couldn't be,
The slay, I still couldn't kill.
Everyone at home thinks I'm crazy,
Others outside sees me as lazy.

I wish I was better,
I wish I could have done better.
I pierced my skin, and drew a tattoo... I committed sin.
When friends aren't friends anymore.
And home is where you die of bore.
Going through the abuse and struggle.
Sometimes, love could form an endless puzzle.

I should,
I could,
I would have just accepted the devastating feeling that never changed.
Dragging myself in chains.
I'm prisoner, to this feelings.
Wasting my time, convincing people that I'm worth loving.
As I hang in here.. I keep reminding myself that, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
With self love as my light, I would get stronger.

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